●☆Chapter 13☆●

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I couldn't feel anything other than pain. My entire body was aching and my head was pounding like someone had been hitting it with a hammer and still I could barely open my eyes. There was light on the other side of my eyelids but I didn't have enough strength to open them.

There was someone crying softly beside me and that was what made me squirm and wake up because I knew who it was. I turned my head and finally opened my eyes, they landed on Lachlan who was curled up a few metres away, crying his eyes out.

I moaned in pain and raised one of my hands to my forehead, finding an egg-sized lump there that made me wince. Everything was aching and I was lying on a hard floor and as I looked around, I noticed that I didn't recognise where I was.

"Vikk!" Lachlan cried out, crawling towards me when he saw I was awake. He was jolted back when he was a few feet from me, a chain rattling behind him, which caught my attention. "Please? Are you alright?"

Raising my head weakly I looked around the room, a dark and damp room that was only letting in light through a gap in the curtains and then started stretching my body, working out what hurt. My head was pounding and my wrists ached, but what hurt most were my legs.

Looking down I saw that my shirt was gone, I was only in my boxers and any time I moved I felt like I was being shot. I knew exactly what had happened and it made me sick to think about, because the last thing I remembered was Dylan climbing on top of me.

"Vikk?" Lachlan whispered, trying to catch my attention again. His voice was shaking. "Vikk please? Are you okay?"

"I- I-" I stuttered, groaning in pain. "What's- what's going on?"

Lachlan shivered and looked away from me, his hands playing with the chain around his waist. He was partly blocked from my view by a bed and as I looked around more, taking in everything, I gagged when I realised we were in a bedroom.

The hard floor I was lying on was carpet and the entire place stank like Dylan, making the anxiety fill up inside me because holy shit what the fuck was going on?

"I don't know." Lachlan mumbled, making me bring my eyes back to him.

He was on the opposite side of the room, chained to the wall by a thick chain around his hips that was so tight that it look painful. He was flushed red and seemed to be struggling to breathe, even the stuffy room was making my chest ache.

There was patches of red and inflamed skin on his arms where it looked like his arms had been restrained, with duct tape maybe, and it had been ripped off painfully. He had tears falling down his cheeks, his eyes red and swollen.

When I finally found the strength to move I crawled over to Lachlan's side, struggling quite a little. Lachlan's arms snaked around me and he rested his chin on my forehead, his eyes staring blankly off into the distance, his shoulders shaking.

"Lachy?" I mumbled, feeling him start to tremble. "What happened while I was unconscious?"

I said it as quiet as possible, my voice shaking because I knew something was wrong. My hand reached out for his and I squeezed it but to my surprise he shuddered and pulled away, his jaw quaking because of how hard he was clenching it.

"Lachlan?" I asked, my heart pounding. "Did.. did Dylan do something?"

He went pale and he almost looked like he was about to be sick, and I looked at him more closely. His arms were bruised and as my eyes crept further up they landed on more bruises, little purple and blue ones that were scattered across his neck like polka dots.

"I'm scared." He whispered, so quiet that I almost didn't hear it. "It hurt."

I went pale and the roaring in my ears almost made me miss the painful whimpers falling from his mouth, tears falling down his cheeks again. I knew what had happened without him even having to say it and although he had done the exact same thing to me, I couldn't leave it alone now.

He had bullying me for years, tormenting me and ruining my life beyond repair but I really thought that he wouldn't touch Lachlan; the boy he had a crush on. Dylan must have realised that he was too far gone now, Lachlan knew, and there was no chance with the blonde anymore so he took advantage of him, the worst possible thing you could do to a person.

I was just thankful that I had been unconscious.

Forcing myself into a sitting position, the movement sending pain rocketing throughout my body, I leaned up against the wall and looked around. I wasn't going to be able to walk, I knew that much, but Dylan knew that too if he hadn't chained me up.

Lachlan shuddered as another wave of sobs wracked his body and I felt a surge of injustice inside me. How could Dylan do that to him? I asked myself, wrinkling my nose in pain as I moved my leg. He's already destroyed me, now he's trying to add another one to the pile.

Slowly, making sure that Lachlan could see every one of my movements so I wouldn't startle or scare him. He watched me apprehensively but didn't say anything, he just sniffled and wiped his eyes, his chest still heaving with hiccupping sobs.

I tugged on the chain around his waist and growled in frustration, there was a thick padlock tying two of the loops together and it was around the thinnest part of his stomach, meaning there was no way I could move it either up or down.

I kept playing with it, but there wasn't anything I could do. Frustrated, I threw down the padlock and it landed with a thump on the ground but immediately regretted it when Lachlan flinched and looked away. Oh hell no. I wasn't going to lie down and let this happen, no way. I felt a surge of confidence inside me, something I had only ever felt when I was Starboy, not plain old Vikk.

Looking over at Lachlan, silent and grimacing in pain, I knew I would get us out, no matter what it took.

I was going to do it.

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