●☆Chapter 17☆●

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I wasn't entirely sure how long I slept but all I knew was that when I woke up there were people bustling around the ward, my curtains were cracked open so the nurses could keep an eye on me and there was light streaming in through a window on the far end of the room.

I squinted and slowly picked up some other things, a conversation between a patient and doctor in the bed opposite mine, a nurse bustling past my bed with a tray of breakfast, a elderly couple, probably the parents of someone, waving goodbye to a bed further down.

The IV was still in my arm but it was no longer pumping medication so everything was sore and tender, especially my stomach. I groaned as I tried to push myself into a sitting position but eventually gave up, the bruising was too extensive and there was too much damage for me to be sitting up on my own.

Eventually I caught the eye of a new nurse who was bustling up and down, keeping an eye on the other patients and she came into my cubicle with a smile on her face.

"Hello, good to see you awake. Did you have a nice sleep?" I nodded uncertainly, my one goal right now was to see Lachlan and check for myself that he was alright. I might have been okay the night before to let Eliza tell me he was okay, but now I wanted to see him.

"O-okay I guess? Is Lachlan okay?" She smiled and although she nodded, it was strained and I saw some worry behind her eyes that again made my heart race all over again.

"Woah, woah, he's okay Vikram." I squinted at the use of my full name.

"It's Vikk." I mumbled, struggling to sit up.

"Okay Vikk but stop for a second, you could hurt yourself. Do you want to sit up?" I nodded. "Okay." She pressed the button that moved the top half of the bed up and I found myself finally able to sit up.

"Lachlan?" I finally asked, I really wanted to see him.

"He's alright. He's in his own room now and the doctors are just pulling him off the medication now so he should be awake in a couple of hours. We don't know how he'll react but I think it would be good for you to be beside him when he does wake up, so you'll be able to see him then."

I nodded slowly, but I wanted to see him now. She saw the look in my eyes and sighed.

"I know, I know, just give him some time okay. Soon."


A doctor came in and talked to me for quite a while, an hour at least, about what had happened and what would need to happen next. As much as I hated what he said I knew he was right, I had to take things slow and give everything some time. It could all happen at once.

He told me that Lachlan wasn't going to be the same person anymore, he had been raped at least twice, maybe more, and he would remember every. single. second. of what had happened to him. He also told me that what I had been through was horrific as well and I should put my own health first, especially as I lived alone.

He also told me that the police were going to want me to make a statement and maybe Lachlan too when he was awake and able to speak about it. Dylan and Simon were both in custody and they needed to get something from me fast, they had 48 hours to build a case before the law meant they had to be released, if they didn't have a charge in 48 hours then they had to be released and if they got released then it was very likely that they would run.

I agreed to speak to the police because the last thing I wanted was for them to get out.

It only took me a few minutes before I started asking about Lachlan again and finally he smiled, nodding.

"Alright, you can see him. He won't be awake for another hour or so but yes, you can see him." He turned away and called for a nurse, but not before coming over to my side to check that I was okay to be moving. I flinched when he pressed on my stomach. "Okay you aren't going anywhere without a wheelchair so hold on a minute."

I was lifted into a wheelchair with help from two nurses and then a pillow was placed over my stomach to stop me from leaning forwards when I was moving. Finally, finally, I was on my way to see Lachlan.

One of the nurse wheeled me out of my little cubicle and down the hall, before going into a separate ward where the rooms were separated by permanent walls and all of the patients seemed to be asleep or unconscious. The only people in the room were nurses and they all smiled at me.

Down the far end of the ward the nurse turned me off into the room right at the end and for the first time since we had been separated by Dylan, I saw Lachlan.

He was so pale that he looked like a ghost and he was completely unconscious, limp and pale on the bed. There were IV's everyone, coming out of each arm, and there were tubes everywhere too, one in his mouth and another coming out of his nose.

There were bruises all over his skin and because he was shirtless I could also see the bite marks on his neck and maybe worst of all was the row of knife wounds on his lower stomach, every single one of them stitched up. I gasped and I felt sick, going white and green.

He looked like he was in intensive care in a coma, beaten and bruised.

The nurse saw my reaction and rubbed my shoulder gently, giving me reassuring whispers that he was alright.

"It's alright, he's okay. The tubes are coming out soon, they were there to make sure he was breathing alright when he was under heavy medication because we didn't know what it would do to his body." I nodded shakily. "He's alright, just remember that."

Again I nodded and then she pushed me right over to the bed, letting me reach out and taking his hand gently. His skin was almost cold and he was clammy and sweaty, like he had a fever but my heart was racing so much that I thought I might faint.

"Are you alright? Do you wanna be alone for a while? Are you alright to be alone?" I thought for a second before finally nodding, I did want to be alone. I wanted to be alone with him.

She left me alone but not before leaning down to put the brake on the wheelchair so I couldn't move it on my own. Then she turned and left, leaving me in silence with the door slightly cracked open so I could call for someone if I needed it.

Finally I turned to Lachlan and I just cried.

That was all I could do.

I cried.

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