104 heroic

28 3 0

It's not always sunshine and rainbows
But I can't have you under my roof anymore

My heart is tired and my mined is sore
Consider it a bye bye
And walk away from my door

I once mentioned selling my self worth in a one dollar store
But now I won't
It's not me who I want to kill by the count of four.

Now let me tell a story :

One has spoken a sentence and two others reacted

The first with an uncomfortable laughter
Knowing nothing
Since no mindful temple of his had ever been manufactured

The second laughed as well
Both looking alike
it was way too hard to tell
That the second learned too much about the topic since the night he fell
And those spoken ideas slumped against his conscience
had straightaway descended from hell
Misleading catchphrases that sneak in and dwell
But this time the highlight of our story -in my opinion- went well
Everyone's expecting our champion to yell
Yet our hero hid in carefully and shrank down in his shell
This time escaping the new gen spell
Evil ideology had set a bell tolling the death knell
Yet his ears were stuffed
Silence .....
Noise couldn't defeat him
He chose to die a hero
His Uniqueness declined every fill-in
Expired young
Not living enough to become a villain

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