114 Black mirrors

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I see Your broken pieces
Hanging on your bedroom walls
The way I hanged images from my breaking scene.

At night
Walls turn into black mirrors
And I see a monster in me
I can't lock eyes with my mirror reflection

nighty terrors

Yet I'm used to that what so ever

A lil time of unplanned despair
To the point that
I questioned wether it's fair
Am i still there?
Or is just my body
Lying in silence
too sore to feel sorry

Bloody surrender
Demons took over
And I'm too paralyzed to remember
how life used to be
Yet when I called on your name
You turned out to be the only defender

Your voice wasn't audible
But it's a sum up of mending mental whispers of tranquility
That helped me push one more day
One day at a time.
eventually I'm not who I've been last night neither the person I was last year.

Thank you Jesus.

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