120. Rad love poem (collab)

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I've always been the kind
Living detached; safely fine
till we locked eyes 
shivers traveled through my spine
And thoughts have shifted in my head
From zero to ninety-nine
A feeling so beautiful yet so alien
Maybe..our souls had intertwined

Your hand
it was made for me
fits in mine; like it's meant to be
Can't you see!!

I'm Searching for a reason that I can't find
Rays of  sympathy enlightened my vision
It crooked the ceiling and talked to the night
A time you dedicated to make sure I'm alright
A feeling so potent shining bright
It's sparked a fight
Between my heart and my mind
Why you're so trust worthy
And why I have this unshakable
faith of not getting left behind

I was taught real love only exists in Disney movies and poems that ryhme
But it's real
We put everything into everything we do
Every relationship
Platonic or romantic
This is a sign

So Thoughts now are
thrown in the blue seas
And saved some time

"Time heals "
I've heard them say
So hard to believe
I survived that bad day
When you were away 
You're the hunter
I'm the prey
Don't shoot me
I choose to stay

Writers note : this poem is a collaboration between me and my beloved poetry mate (hala).

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