126. (III) SHE

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Why was her pain-although it was and is tremendous-
Why was it so underrated less appreciated, and more likely to be shaded?

A part of her heart fell as he faded
It's for how sinful I am, I craved being aided

But my ego blocked all sources of fondness and ease
I wore my ignorant expression but inside... i was dying .. i longed for peace
My conscience shut down
my goodness fell into a pin drop silence
I was gradually wilting ...piece by piece

I couldn't have gotten weirder friends
Could I ?
Stress, illness , loneliness
May I ?
Once again...
Experience the world like an infant ?

Live the sweet dream; a blissful reverie rather than our reality of judgment ?!

You made it easier for me to realize that I'm not a stain to humanity, for it's in your acceptance that I find settlement.

I lean on you ... Oh sweet clement.

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