122. The Avengers Initiative

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"How did you find me?" Bucky stuttered incredulously, still shocked at the dramatic appearance.

"Maria Hill. She's my mole in Stark Industries. Ever since the collapse of SHIELD she went to work for Tony, as an executive, almost parallel to Pepper's position - but she reports back to me whenever Stark is up to something shady or foolish. She knew about the Quinjet and she knew when Steve came back onto the grid. She knew all about the mission to rescue you and I knew you'd get back here eventually - Steve Rogers is one of the best agents we have and I trusted him to do his job, to recover you. So I got my ass down from the wilderness of Canada to come and greet you, Sergeant. I'll be honest, I wasn't expecting a Russian submarine or to see the Captain in such bad shape, but it's still a pleasure to see you once again." Phil congratulated him with a respectful nod of the head.

Bucky nodded thoughtfully as he processed the words, his attention resting on the rain lashed ground and the shimmering puddles. He sniffled in a nosefull of the sharp spring air, tainted with an icy touch.

"That's not important though, Sergeant," Phil continued, patience in his steady voice. "What is important is the Avengers Initiative."

Bucky fanned his fingers out and clawed his greasy tangled fringe out of his face until his Aegean eyes were unblocked and he could divert his undivided attention to Phil. "Sir?" Bucky prompted.

"You should know by now that the Avengers is a group of only the elitist of elites. A small band of extraordinary people who have now been heralded as heroes. They're a subdivision of SHIELD, far more prestigious than any other. You and Sam, over recent times have proved yourselves to be heroes, committing selfless acts of immense bravery and electing to be cunning when it was called for. I've been keeping a very close eye on the pair of you... You both have unlimited potential; and recently you've put that to use. So Bucky," Phil disregarded the formality of his military title for the precious question. "I would very much like it if you were to join the Avengers."

Bucky was awash with emotions, rife with a tidal wave of feelings and overcome by the life changing words. His eyes were glossy like crystal balls, welled up with sheer emotion, overwhelmed and staggered. Bucky's lips parted and a shuddering draught left the gap of his mouth. "I don't know what to say..." Bucky whined, a couple tears beginning their descent down his face.

"I mean, I don't want to put words in your mouth, but 'yes' is my preferred answer. Of course it's completely optional, and you are completely entitled to say 'no' if that's truly what you want... It's all up to you." Phil was hopefully and impatiently staring at him.

"Yes... Yes of course. God, yes. How could I say no... I'm honoured, Sir. A million times yes," Bucky wept. He clamped a trembling hand over his blubbering lips and his face scrunched as he cried: his eyebrows rising, his eyes crinkling and his lips tightening.

"Long day, Agent?" Phil intoned pleasantly, sympathy in his old erudite eyes.

"Long week..." Bucky whispered, his voice escaping him and his usual emotional barrier crumbling away. His harsh and bold demeanour was whisked away and the true nature of his old soul was revealed. "I guess I just don't understand why you'd want me..." Bucky admitted, effacing the tears from his visage.

"Because, Bucky, you've proven yourself to be a worthy soldier. A terrifying formidable adversary, yes... But an even fiercer and more ominous advocate. You have all the properties we look for in recruits: brawn, skill, intellect, conviction, indomitableness... But most importantly, a pure righteous heart. I've seen what Steve Rogers sees in you. I've seen the light in your heart. You're willing to always put yourself before others, to sacrifice yourself for the sake of others, to put yourself forwards to protect others. Bucky, you're a great man. Welcome to the team."

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