Chapter 1 ~

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*1 new message from Cloe*

i miss you. you better get well really soon! Xxxx


There I am, laying in the hospital because my life sucks. 

You wanna know how I get here? Well, I was at this restaurant with my mum, I don't know why but somehow I got bacterial disease which really sucks. I've bellyache, nausea and headache since almost 3 days. That's why I'm laying in this stupid boring cold room. Alone.

You probably think I should be glad I'm alone and don't need to share this room with a 60-year old grandma or someone like that. Yeah, maybe I should but I only got this room because of my dad, also known as Mr. Jonas. He's lawyer, not a bad one, so he always gets what he want. Anyways, I think sometimes it isn't fair to get treated better just because of my dad. He's busy all the time, my mom has to take care of my small brother Josh who is 3 years old. I'm most of the time alone, even when I'm at the hospital. But I'm used to it.

"Excuse me Mrs. Jonas?" the doctor came into my room. I looked up from my phone.


"I'm sorry but you've to share this room with someone for a couple of days. I know you wanted to be alone but we can't put him in a normal room..." he sat down on a chair.

"Uhhh ok? No problem. I like being with people." I said and he went out. 

A few minutes later my new roommate came inside the room. He sat on his bed, smiling at me. Wait, I know this boy. He's famous, isn't he? Before I could realize he was Louis freaking Tomlinson he winked at me.

"Hey babe" he said. Such a flirt, right?

"Gosh Hi Louis" I smiled back.

"Ahh a fan?" he laughed.

"yeb. but I won't fangirl when you're around, promise"

"Thanks god" he laughed, again. His smile was cute and made me melt.

"Nice room. So, what's your name love?" he sat down on the top of my bed. I tried not to blush because he called me love but it didn't work.

"Jade" I said ashamed of my red cheeks.

"Aww it's ok. I'm just a normal random boy, don’t be shy." he taped his finger on my nose which made me blush even more.

"Why are you here, Jade?" Oh man, this guy really wanted to know a lot. I told him the whole story and then I asked him why he was here.

"Short of the same. We went out for dinner and I felt sick since then and the boys made me go to the hospital and the doctor said I've to stay here for a while" he raised his shoulders.

"Oh, sorry for that. Hope you'll feel better soon" I tried to cher him up.

"Well, as long as you're here I guess it's going to be fine. I hate being alone." he joked.

This is going to be a fun time.

We talked the whole day and night. We only slept for 2 hours which made me feel even more sick than I was before. Louis was so down to earth and funny. We talked about everything, we told each other jokes, he told me lots about being on tour and I just enjoyed hearing his stories. He still laughed when  he talked about him and Zayn running away from a photoshoot and him pranking his crew. He made me feel better. I kept thinking about him and how famous he actually was until I realized he shouted my name a few times.

"JADE" he laughed. I gave him a confused look. "I asked you something! What are you thinking about huh?" he smiled at me.  "Oh shit sorry Louis. ahh nothing" I lied.

I'll put my future in you (One Direction / Louis Tomlinson fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now