Chapter 12 ~

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Louis, Danielle and I just stood there, waiting for something to happen. "Do you want me to bring you your stuff from the boys' house?" I asked her. "Would be amazing if you could. Don't want to see him yet" she explained. I nodded and we gave her one last hug before we left to go home.

I was about to take off my make up in Louis' bathroom when I heard a knock at the door. "Can I come in?" Louis asked and I said yes. "Sorry it didn't turned out being a nice night babe. It was our last night together before we'll leave." Louis pulled his arm around my waist. I almost forgot their tour would start in just 10 days. "It's not your fault babe. I'll miss you" I mumbled and gave him a kiss.


"You already miss her, eh?" Harry asked while we packed our last few things. "A lot" i mumbled. "Why don't you write her a letter. That's what I did for Danielle.." Liam said. "before.. you know.. before we broke up" It hurts seeing one of my best mates this heart broken. He wasn't himself anymore. "Mate you'll be strong. it'll stop hurting soon" I said and hugged him. He just gave me one of his fake smiles. But his idea was amazing.

I went upstairs and started writing.

"Dearest Jade,

it tears me apart knowing I have to leave you now. I promise i'll be back sooner as you think. I'll also fly you over as often as I can and you'll love all those new places. I wanted to thank you for everything you've done. For all the love you gave me. I never thought I would met someone who can make me feel like you do. All the nights we talked for hours, all the calls, all the kisses, all the laughs, all the weird times. I couldn't wish for a better person next to me. I'll meet million of new fans but i want you to know that you're the one who has my heart. I can tell you love the boys and girls a lot and I hate thinking about you not seeing the boys for while. You've changed all of us into better people and I'm proud you did. You shared your story with us and you gave us all your love.

Jade, when we'll see each other again, promise me nothing will change. I can't stand thinking about you being alone. Call me every day. I love you with all I have, with all my heart. You are my life and more.  

Thank you for believing in me. From the start. I couldn't do this without you. Thank you. I love you.

Much love, hugs, and kisses.  

- Your funny Louis the Tommo Tomlinson xxxxxx"

I let out a loud breath, took the letter and walked downstairs. "Are you done writing?" Liam asked. "Yeah, done. Jade will come over in half an hour to stay over for the last night, i'll give her the letter when we leave" I explained.

*half an hour later*

"I'll miss you Jade" Harry said while he hugged Jade. "I'll miss all of you. I hate you for going on tour. not fair" she joked. "Shut up Jady i love my job, and you can visit us as often as you want." Niall mumbled while he ate some chips.  

"Don't ever tell my girlfriend to shut up Nialler" I hit his arm and ate one of his chips. We decided to go back to some old times and started to play 'truth or dare'. Perrie came over and we had a great laugh. We talked through the whole night when Jade suddenly fell asleep in my arms. "She looks so peaceful. I hate me for leaving her" I told Harry who smiled as he saw her alseep right next to me. "Lou, listen, it's not forever. and you love touring, don't you?" He tried to make me feel better. I nodded and carried Jade upstairs into my room. She cuddled into my chest, her arms around my neck, like a baby. I laid her into my bed, kissed her cheek and was about to go back downstairs. "Don't leave me Louis. I need you" she mumbled, still alseep. She held my arm to make me stay. "Babe? Jade?" I asked, sitting down beside her. "I won't leave you. Just wait for me. I love you. I freaking do" I wishpered and walked downstairs. I felt my eyes tearing up. I never thought leaving for tour could be so hard.

I woke up, holding Jade in my arms. "Good morning beautiful" I said as she looked up to face me. "How are you?" I asked her. "I don't want you to leave. What about you?" she laid her head on my chest. "Me neither" I kissed her hair.

The boys and I started carring our bags into Harry's car. Then it was time to leave. We all stood outside, Jade and Perrie in front of us."Shall we do a picture together? I mean, to hold in all these memories?" Perrie asked us. We all nodded and took a group picture.


"I guess we have to say goodbye now?" I hugged Louis. "No goodbye's are sad. You'll come over soon right? I love you Jade." he smiled at me. "I love you more. Enjoy touring yeah? And don't make the boys freak out. Love you" we kissed one last time. "Ah shit I almost forgot to give you the letter. I wrote a few words yesterday. Read it, promise?" he gave me a letter and kissed me one last time. Then Niall came over to hug me. "Bye Nialler. Will miss hearing you singing in the house. Take care of my boy" I smiled at him. "Sure thing. I'll whatsapp you a video from us every day alright? Love you Jady, you're the best" he grinned at me. Then I said my goodbye to Liam, Harry and Zayn.

"Now they are gone" Perrie took my hand and we walked back into the house. Now we were alone. "Let's read the letter" I said and started reading. We both cried after reading the letter. His words were so perfect. 

I decided to call him. 'Hi babe' he said after he picked up. 'Lou thank you it made me and Perrie cry' I said. 'you're welcome love. I just miss you so much' he mumbled. 'I miss you too Lou Lou but enjoy your tour! We'll come over as planned. I'm so proud of you and I just wish you and the boys the best time ever. Talk later babe, don't want to waste your time. I love you' I said smiling. 'Love you loads my monkey' I couldn't help but smiled. We both loved going to the zoo and we were obsessed with these small baby monkeys.

"Shopping time?" Perrie asked after I hang up. "Let's pick up Dani" she added. "GIRLS DAY" I cheered and laughed.

I'll put my future in you (One Direction / Louis Tomlinson fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora