Chapter 10 ~

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“GIRLS GIRLS WHERE ARE YOU?” I ran through the apartment and stopped when I found them sitting in on the floor, playing guitar and singing some songs.  They didn’t care I was there and still sang. “Awwww” I said when they finished Taylor Swift’s The Lucky One (A/N: I’m obsessed with her album so I HAD to choose one of her songs. Sorry if you don’t like her ha). Ella and Mary smiled at me waiting for me to tell them what happened.

“Guess what?” I asked and laughed. “I’m going back to London for a few days to help the boys preparing for the upcoming tour”. I cheered and jumped around but stopped when I got an idea. “AND I’LL TAKE YOU BOTH WITH ME TO LONDON!” I laughed and smiled at them. They both looked shocked but then started to scream and hug me. “I just need to tell Liam about this..” I mumbled. “What?” Ella asked. “Ohh nothing..” I smiled.

After we all calmed down I decided to first text Louis and then call Liam.

Text message to Louis;)<3 ‘I wish I could run to you. Miss you more than you think. Xx’

“Hey Jady” I heard Liam saying through the phone.

“Hey Liam. Uhh I have a question btw a favor”

“Sure what’s up?” he laughed.

“Am I allowed to take Ella and Mary with me? They are my best friend here and it would make their life to meet you all” I explained.

“uhhh… let me check this…” he didn’t answer for a few minutes which made me kinda nervous. I should I explain the girls they couldn’t come with me? They would be so sad. This needs to work out.

“Jade?” Liam asked to make sure I was still there. “Yeah?” I waited for him to finally tell me the answer. “Uh sure they can come with you. Just tell them when you’ll leave in 4 days. Our management will call your university to fix all the stuff and we’ll book tickets for you guys so you can just go pack and stuff.” Liam said. “Yay! Thank you so much and tell the rest I love and miss them ok? Oh and when we are with you could you please make the girls sing for you? They are so good! Anyway, I’ll  text you. Thanks again. Love you Li” I hang up after he said his goodbye and walked back to the girls. “Mary and Ella, we’ll leave in 4 days. Management will call the university and will book the flights so yeah” I grinned at them.

The next day’s flew by really fast, we were all packing and stuff.

Then the day we would fly to London came. I woke the girls up at 6am so we wouldn’t miss our flight. “So you’re leaving now?” Ally asked while we all carried our bags into the taxi. I nodded at her. “When will you come back?” she asked again. “Don’t pretend like you care. Go party girl. You don’t even want us here.” Ella said. “We will be back in something about a week. We’ll see” I said while we all quickly hugged Ally and went into the taxi. The flight to London wasn’t that long but long enough for me. I hated flying. Even if I had tons of music which Louis actually always sent to me I still got bored so quickly. 

Hours and hours past when we finally l walked out into the London air. How I missed being here.

I got noticed by some fans who just smiled at me which always made my day. We fastly walked through the airport hall to find the boys standing there. I started to run when I saw Louis walking to me, his arms wide open, waiting for me.

“I told ya I would run to you.” I mumbled into his neck when his arms finally were around me and he just giggled. “I missed you so damn much my baby cake. It’s so good to see your face” he said while he stroked my cheek.

“Can I get a hug too? I waited for one so long” I heard the curly boy saying. This boy will never change, will he? “Come here Harold Edward Styles” I laughed and gave him a cuddle. Then I went over to hug Zayn, Liam and Niall. “Where are Danielle and Perrie?” I asked Liam and Zayn who told me they would be waiting at home.

“Anyway boys this is Ella and this is Mary” I pointed at the two smiling girls next to me. “Nice to finally meet you girls. You know who we are, don’t you?” Louis laughed and they all gave them a quick hug.

We got into the boys huge van and drove back home. Yeah home, that’s my home. That’s where I made the best memories ever. I pulled out my phone to tweet something.

‘Finally back with the boys. Missed these van times and all the great laughs so much. And my boy. I’m so happy :) Xx’. After few seconds I saw Louis, Zayn and Ella who finally got a twitter account tweeted something as well. ‘@Louis_Tomlinson: Jade is back here with her friends. Having a great time already! If you guys see us come say hi! Want to show them our lovely fans :)x’. ‘@ZaynMalik: Sometimes you don’t realize how much you missed your friends until you see them again. Happy days with the 1D fam and some new friends x’, ‘@Ella__-: hanging out with one direction boys and my friends thanks to @jadybady. I love u for that. Having the best time ever!’

As we arrived at the boy’s house and I jumped into Danielle and Perrie’s arm. I missed these girls so much. We all sat down on the couch and had a good few chats when Liam came up with an idea.

“Ella and Melly we want to hear you guys sing!” he smiled and went into Niall’s room to get his guitar.

I'll put my future in you (One Direction / Louis Tomlinson fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now