Chapter 3 ~

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I slowly opened my twitter and checked my followers.

Harry Styles followed you. Wow, 2/5. Finally. Then I opened my new dm.

'Jade, are you still in London? Would be lovely to see you. Harry x' I sighed after I read it. I ignored the 'we all miss you' because they don't miss me at all. At least not all of them. You know who I'm talking about, right?

'hey Harry! Yeah I am why? Xxx' I replied back. A few seconds later I got a new dm from him.

'Nice. Give me a call alright? I'm free today! Xx' he also sent me his phone number. Should I call him or not? Wait, let's call Cloe.

"What's up Jade?" she asked.

"Harry is up. He dmed me his number. He wants to talk to me but I'm not sure Cloe" I was helpless.

"Just call him. You've nothing to lose. And I freaking want my old Jade back." What? The old Jade?

"What are you talking about? I'm still the same." I was confused.

"No you aren't. Since you're back from the hospital you've changed a lot. You always look sad. Of course you still smile but it isn't the smile I used to see on your face. We talked about it a lot and I just want you to know you should call him. Even if he just wants to chat with you for a bit, you need the boys. And you know, Louis took such a huge part of your heart with him. Harry freaking Styles dmed him so just call him gosh Jade you're so dumb sometimes"

"Thanks Cloe. You really helped me. I'll call him" I hang up and sat down on my bed. I typed in his number and pressed 'Call'. After a few seconds Harry picked up.

"Hi?" he said, probably wondering who is calling you.

"Uh Hey Harry. It's me, Jade." I giggled.

"Oh hi babe. Glad you called! How are you?" he asked. How I missed his slow voice.

"I'm alright thanks, how are you?" It was a strange feeling because I didn't know what we were. Were we idol and fan, or friends, or maybe strangers? I don't even know. 

We had a short small talk about random stuff.

"Well what's the reason why you gave me your number Harry? I don't think you give your number out to strangers when you just want to have a small talk uh?" I asked him straight away.

"You're right but I don't think we're strangers, are we? I mean we met a few times and we got along really well. Anyway the point is I wanted to ask you to meet me tomorrow at Starbucks? Need to ask you some stuff" he explained. I wasn't quite sure if it was a good idea but I said yes.

*next day* 

On my way to Starbucks I listened to the boys' music. As I arrived at Starbucks, I searched for Harry. I found him in a small corner, trying to hind for fans.

"Hey bad boy" I winked at him.

"JADE!" He pulled me into a hug. We talked about life and how's everything going. I think we sat there for hours because our waitress told us they would close right now and we should better leave.

"Need a ride back home?" Harry asked me while I put on my jacket.

"You don't have to" I grinned at him.

"But I want to" he said and we walked to his car. As we arrived at my apartment I asked him to come with me in.

"Do you want something to eat? I'm gonna make us some toast" He just nodded happily.

"So you live alone?" He asked out of nowhere.

"Yeah, after I finished school my parents basically begged me to move out" I don't like to talk about it. Cloe is the only one who knows about my parents and what happened. I don't even have any contact to my parents because I was happy I could finally leave them. I don't even think they would like to talk to me. I always was their bad daughter even though I never did anything bad. Harry noticed I didn't like to talk about it and he waited until I finished making our toasts.

We ate when Harry started talking about Louis.

"He really misses you Jade" He said serious.

"He doesn't" I protested.

"Of course he does. He never had time to tweet you back because management was keeping him busy. He really liked you and he still does, I guess. You need to meet him again and bring back our old Louis" Harry begged.

"Old Louis?" I said confused.

"Since you've left he worked every single day. He never relaxed. Management gives him tons of stuff to do and he thinks it's healthy to do so much, but it isn't at all. They push him so much and it changed him. I know you're hurt because he never texted you but did you ever saw his eyes? They shined and now they don't. The lads just want you back. You can help him."

BAM these words hit me. I feel sorry because he changed because of me. I never wanted to hurt him. I just want to be with him but he ignored me and I was sad. He promised me we'll never stop talking but we actually did. After our awkward kiss I thought we're more than just friends.

"What do you want me to do?" I gave in. I just want to see him again. His smile. His eyes.

"Can you come over tomorrow and talk to him?" Harry proposed. He left after we sat up our plans for tomorrow. Then I decided to watch some movies. I'm so nervous to meet him again.

I fell asleep really late and also when I woke up really late. I only have 1 hour until I've to be at the boys' house. 

I made me a quick breakfast and spent the rest of my time in the bathroom, trying to get ready. I decided to wear a blue skinny jeans and a red top. After I put on some sneakers I ran out of the door and made my way to the boys'.

I make up Louis' and mine conversation in my head while I'm still walking to the boys' house. 

I was surprised how big and amazing their house was. 

I took a deep breath and walked to the door bell. I rang and a heard some voices yelling.

"I'LL OPEN THE DOOR" someone yelled.

"NO NO NO LOUIS LET ME DO IT" I heard another voice yelling. This was probably Harry.

"Hey Jade, come in." he hugged me quick.

As I walked inside Liam, Zayn and Niall already waited for me.

"There you are, my lovely boys" I grinned at them and pulled them in a hug.

I searched the room for Louis but I couldn't find him.

"He went up in his room after he heard you talking" Niall mumbled, raising his shoulders.

"Uh is he ok?" I asked him.

"Yeah, I think he is but just go upstairs and look after him." He showed me Louis' room and left me alone. My heart skipped a beat when I knocked at the door. After a few seconds I heard him saying 'Come on' and so I did. I opened the door and looked at Louis who was typing something in his laptop.

"Jadybady my long missed favorite girl, how are you" He gave me a weak smile.

"I'm good, what about you?" I winked.

"I'm alright" he grinned even brighter.

"Don't I get a huge?" I joked. Louis put down his laptop and opened his arms for me. I blushed while cuddled into his arms. I missed his arms so much.

"We've to talk about so much. Sit down" Louis sat down on his bed and I did the same. Here I was, sitting next to Louis.

I'll put my future in you (One Direction / Louis Tomlinson fanfic)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat