Chapter 5 ~

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He drove us to the boys’ house. He opened the door for me and carried my bag. What a gentleman eh?

“Hey guys”, Louis yelled after we walked into their house.

“HEY” they all yelled back and ran over to us. I quickly hugged Niall, Liam, Zayn and Harry and was now standing in front of two really pretty girls.

“You must be Jade right? Nice to meet you. I’m Perrie.”, the blond one hugged me.

“Yeah, I’m Jade. Nice to meet you, too! Heard a lot of you and Zayn” I laughed while Zayn just blushed. Aw cute boy.

“Hi Jade, I’m Danielle but just call me Dani ok? Nice to have you over” the other girl said.

“Hey Danielle, ehh Dani. Thanks for having me” I grinned at her.

“NOW LET’S HAVE A HUGE SLEEP OVER! I LOVE SLEEP OVERS!” Louis jumped up and down but Harry tried to calm him down.

“Calm down Tommo. Don’t scare our lovely Jadybady” Niall winked and laughed. Only these boys. Louis hit him playfully and put his arm around my waist.

“So basically Perrie and Zayn will go out to dinner tonight, Liam and Dani will go meet some friend and Niall and Harry will go clubbing for a few hours. What do you wanna do babe?” Louis grinned at me. He just called me ‘babe’. Everything he says is just perfect, isn’t it?

“Whatever you want to do” I laughed while I said ‘goodbye’ to the others.

“What do you think about making pizza?” Louis walked into the kitchen. I nodded, ran after him and we started to cook.

We didn’t get far because soon enough my hair were full of flour. I took a tomato and threw it after him. It didn’t take long until another tomato landed on my cloths. I broke down in laughter and just lay on the floor.

“I freaking hate you Louis Tommo Tomlinson” I laughed.

“Don’t call me Tommo and don’t tell me you hate me because I know you love me” He smiled and helped me up. I tried to clean up our mess but I couldn’t because he decided he wants to cuddle with me and so we were standing in the kitchen – arm in arm.

“I love you Jadybady.” He mumbled.

“I love you too and now let me clean up our mess” I picked his cheek.

“Oh oh oh no, you should better go get a shower if you don’t want me to eat you or whatever” he scanned my body. He’s so weird.

“Stop checking me out. See you as soon as I’m finished taking a healthy shower” I winked and walked out of the kitchen. It took me a while until I finally found the perfect shampoo. Thanks god Zayn had like 100 shampoos.

After ten minutes I was finished, walked out of the shower, brushed my hair, put my clothes on and walked back to Louis. He was standing in the kitchen door, eating chocolate and smiling at me.

“What? Why are you smiling at me like a baby?” I laughed and put my arm around his back. He pulled me closer to him by putting his arms around my waist.

“I’m just happy we’re back together.” He kissed the top of my hair.

We ate our pizza and sat down in the living room to watch some TV. We started to watch the x factor which was always funny.  I still can’t believe I’m hanging out with Louis Tomlinson who once was on x factor and now is world famous. Fame hasn’t changed him. Not at all.

After the others came back home we decided to play ‘truth or dare’. We had such a big laugh.

Dani, Perrie and me were sitting in, I guess, Zayn’s room.

“So. how was life after Louis came back from hospital?” I asked Dani and Perrie.

“Well, after Louis came home he wasn’t the funny Louis. I’m quite sure Harry already told you about it. Basically he came back, first he was really happy because he met you and he talked about you no stop but then he fell into a huge hole. It made the boys feel sorry for him and Harry started to say he lost his boo bear. He went out clubbing all the time, he found such a weird girl and she broke his heart. You know they always were so close and Lou didn’t stop to work and yeah.. but he got better since you’re here.” Dani explained. It hurt me hearing her say it broke the boys. I’ve to fix it. I really have to, right?

I stood up and walked to the door.

“Where are you going to, love?” Perrie asked.

“Going to try to fix as much as I can” I mumbled and walked to Harry’s room. I heard someone crying and it scared me. Anyway, I knocked at the door and I heard him saying “Come in”.

I slowly opened the door and walked in. Harry looked up to me, in a few tears.

“Are you ok Harry?” I sat down on the floor.

“Yeah.. why?” he put on a weak smile.

“cause you cried” I  mumbled.

“I’m ok, just got a bit emotional. How are you? Why are you here?” he leaned his head on my shoulder.

“I wanted to fix what I broke. I’m sorry Louis got this sad because of me and I’m sorry it hurt you so hard. Please be happy again, Harry. I want you to be happy again. And stop clubbing.” I said.

“It’s ok, it really is. We got through it and we’ll be ok. Promise.” He looked into my eyes. It gave me a strange feeling. It didn’t felt right seeing him looking at me in this way.

“Harry…” I whispered wanting him to stop looking at me.

“No Jade, I won’t stop. I know you want me to stop but I freaking won’t. I’ll keep doing what I do” he whispered into my ear. I wanted to scream, what is he doing to me?

He slowly turned his face to mine and rushed his lips onto mine. I didn’t move, his lips were just on mine. It didn’t felt right to kiss a friend, he was just a friend. I don’t want to hurt him.

“I’m sorry Harry.” I sat a few meters away from him.

“I fucked it up, didn’t I? You’re with Louis and I just broke our friendship” he threw something through the room.

“No you didn’t, you didn’t at all. I understand you and what you did and I promise you, it won’t break our friendship” It seriously broke me. I was sitting there in tears. I didn’t know what to do or say.

He went out of the room and after a few seconds I heard him yelling at someone. I ran out of the room to look after him. Please Harry, just don’t do any stupid stuff.

“YOU DID WHAT? YOU KISSED HER? HARRY WHAT’S WRONG WITH YOU?” Zayn yelled at Harry while Louis just put his head into his hands.

Oh well…


I told ya I would upload and here we go!

I hope you liked the chapter and pls leave me some feedback! Vote, comment, like, imbox me or tweet me @Horanster. THANKS :)

I'll post the next chapter as soon as i  can! Sorrrry I'm so busy. :) See you xx

Update: I guess I'll upload tomorrow or on saturday :) x

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