Chapter 4

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"Am I doing this right?" Olivia asked.

I looked down and chuckled when I saw her hands mashing the PlayStation controller. It was my day off and she wanted to spend time with me before she had to go in to work to teach ballet. So she came up with the idea of playing video games with me. Olivia was currently sitting in my lap facing the TV. So far it's mostly been me trying to teach her how to play and failing. Olivia was really good at mashing all the buttons at once though.

"Uh.. you're doing great..." I said trying to be optimistic.

"And I just have to beat up this professor docto before I win?" She asked.

"Doc Oc and yes then there's the next mission" I said.

"What? There's more? This guy is already whooping my ass" Olivia replied.

"Yes ma'am" I said giving her a friendly kiss.

Olivia paused the game and turned around so her legs were behind my back. She had a look on her face that said she could tell I was lying to make her feel better.

"Cheyenne is much better at this game than I am" She said.

"Yeah but I like playing with you more" I said.

"You're only saying that because I'm your wife" She said.

"Nah uh" I said.

Olivia raised her eyebrow and gave me a look of disbelief.

"Ok fine, but I do like spending this time with you, no matter what we do" I stated.

"I do too" She said planting a kiss on my lips.

"Eww" Cheyenne said from the doorway.

Olivia laughed and buried her face in the crook of my neck. I looked and saw Cheyenne standing there with her hands on her hips.

"I just came to see Mom to ask her something before she went into work but I didn't want to see that" Cheyenne said.

"That reminds me, I need to talk to you about the birds and the-" I started saying.

"Oh my god dad stop!" Cheyenne said turning red.

"What did you need hon?" Olivia said trying to change the conversation.

"Can I go over to Emma's tonight, Brad and Chloe are-" Cheyenne began.

"Wait a minute who's Brad?" I asked sitting up straighter.

Olivia gently hit my shoulder with her hand.

"Calm down Captain America, that's Emma's boyfriend" Olivia said.

"For the last time I don't have a boyfriend dad" Cheyenne said.

"And?" I said.

"And if I do meet someone I'll tell you about it" Cheyenne said rolling her eyes.

"That's my girl" I said.

"Anyways, as I was saying, Emma and Brad are throwing a welcome back party for our friend Sophie who's coming home from vacation" Cheyenne said.

"Did you finish your homework?" Olivia asked.

"Yes Mom" Cheyenne said.

"And did you clean your room because your aunt Courtney and uncle Damien are coming over for dinner tommorow" Olivia said.

"Are they eating dinner in my room?" Cheyenne asked.

"Of course not" I said unamused.

"Then what does it matter if my room is clean, they're not going to be seeing it" Cheyenne said with an attitude.

"Do you want to go to Emma's or not?" Olivia said definitively.

"... Fine, if I clean my room I can go?" Cheyenne said sighing dramatically.

"Only if you get back home before curfew" Olivia said.

"Okay thanks love you bye" Cheyenne said quickly leaving before Olivia finished speaking.

Olivia untangled herself from me and stood up. She ran her fingers through her hair to fluff it up a little before grabbing a hairband to tie it in a ponytail.

"That girl has her mother's wits" I said smirking.

Olivia laughed before going into the bathroom to change and freshen up. A couple minutes later she came out dressed in her tight black yoga pants and pink tank top with the company logo on it. I made a whistling sound at her.

"If they start mixing the male classes into yours I'm going to have to come with you and make sure they keep their eyes forward" I said.

"Is that jealousy I hear?" She asks.

"What can I say, my wife is hot" I said.

"Don't worry babe, if anybody ever tries anything, I can handle myself plus I have Mari there to step in" Olivia said giving my hand a quick squeeze.

"I love you" I said squeezing her hand back.

"I love you too, I'll see you tonight" She said hugging me.

"Don't be late, I'm making pork belly" I said.

"Yumm, my favorite" Olivia said picking up her purse and keys.

"Bye love" She said walking off.

"Bye" I said.

After I heard the front door close I got up and turned the console and television off. I opened the dresser and pulled out my workout clothes. I had a lot of free time today so i decided to use some of it to go for a run.

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