Chapter 8

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"I'm exhausted" I said falling onto the bed.

"From what?" Olivia questioned raising her eyebrow.

"Disneyland" I said propping my head up with a pillow.

"That was over a week ago" My wife said looking through the nightstand next to the bed.

"Yeah but it feels like yesterday" I replied.

Olivia rolled her eyes as she kept looking for something. After she checked under a pillow, I finally had enough.

"What are you looking for?" I asked.

"A fuck to give" She said grinning.

"You're bad" I said chuckling.

"I know" She said climbing onto the bed and next to me.

I pulled her closer so her head was resting on my chest. As I breathes in and out, her head rose and fell with ny chest. She drapes her arm across my chest. The air around us was quiet which while seldom was nice. Usually either Olivia or I am running around trying to get ready for work or projects while Cheyenne is her usual self. Having her friends over or watching videos on loud volumes. The silence at the moment added to the peacefulness surrounding us.

"How did we get so lucky?" Olivia asked suddenly.

"What do you mean?" I asked tilting my head to look down at her.

"With Cheyenne, the house, YouTube, friends and so much more" Olivia said drumming her tiny fingers on my chest.

"Don't forget my good looks" I said teasing.

"You mean mine" She teased back.

I laughed and put my free hand through the back of her shirt and stroked her back gently. Massaging parts with knots and gliding over the smooth sections.

"I suppose it's because we did everything the right way, we didn't take advantage of people or take shortcuts" I suggested.

"That's true" She said sighing.

"Plus we found each other" I pointed out smiling.

"That's the best thing to have happened" Olivia said smiling back.

The timer on something downstairs went off causing the Olivia to get up and the silence to be broken.

"What is that?" I asked.

"Thats my timer for the thing we talked about" She replied.

"Isn't it a little early for it to tell you anything?" I questioned.

"Maybe, maybe not" She said shrugging.

I held my hands out and made a noise signaling for her assistance. Chuckling she helped pull me off The bed. I followed her downstairs while she went to turn the timer off and take the test. I looked at my watch and realized how late it was. I had forgotten that Cheyenne had school tomorrow. I better go check on her.

Once Olivia went in the bathroom, I went upstairs to check on Cheyenne. Hopefully she remembered and was asleep. She's got school tomorrow and staying up late wont help anyone. I was outside her door when I saw the light from underneath turn off quickly and the rustle of sheets and pillows. I chuckled to myself before opening the door. I could tell she was trying to hold her eyes shut as she was faking being asleep. I gave her a goodnight kiss on the forehead before closing the door and heading downstairs to the office. I pulled up some documents on my laptop about the movie my friend was worming on and began scanning through them looking for advice to give. When I was about halfway through a pair of arms wrapped around my neck and a chin settled into my hair.

"Hi" Olivia said from behind me.

"Hello my love" I replied closing the computer.

She let go of me as I spun around in my officd chair and faced her. I couldn't read the look on her face as she gazed back at me.

"How did it go?" I asked.

"It's too early to tell" Olvia said looking down.

"Hey" I said reaching and holding her chin up with my hand.

"I know how bad you want this, I'm going to everything I can to help" I said.

"Are you sure? If it does happen, a lots going to change around here" She said.

"If it means that much to you, it's my top priority, no pun intended" I said smiling.

"You're such a goof" Olivia said sitting down on one of my legs while her legs hung off my other one.

"But you're my goof" She said kissing my cheek.

"How do you think Cheyenne will handle it?" I asked suddenly.

"Chey? I think she'll be happy at least I hope so" Olivia said.

I squeezed her hand gently to show support and then picked her up as I stood up.

"C'mon we cant set a bad example for Chey by staying up late" I said.

"As if she's already asleep" Olivia said scoffing.

"Just remember you want another one" I said chuckling as we climbed the stairs.

We reached the end of the hallway and the entrance to our room. After we both undressed, se slid into our sides of the bed. My side is the right side because it's near both the window and the door. Olivia slept on the left side because it was next the wall that Cheyenne and our room shared. Like always she took the blanket and I had to tug it back just to get some of it at least. Realizing like always that I was stronger than her, Olivia sighed contentedly and squeezed up next to my side to absorb my body heat. It was like this, tangled limbs and shared blanket, that we drifted off to sleep.

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