Chapter 11

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Work just ended and I was currently walking to my car. I unlocked the trunk and tossed my bag in before closing it. I opened the car door to get in.

"Shayne?" A voice said.

I turned and saw my coworker Emily Thorne smiling at me.

"Hey what's up Em?" I asked.

"Me and some of the people from worm are going out to eat later tonight, you coming with us?" She asked flipping her hair with her hand.

"Yeah sure, what place?" I said.

"The Olive Garden in La Jolla at seven" She answered.

"Cool, I'll ask my wife if she wants to come too" I said.

"Yes! Me and the girls love Olivia" Emily said.

"I'll be sure to let her know, see you later tonight" I said chuckling.

"Bye Shayne" She said with a smile and wave.

Time skip...

"You look breathtakingly gorgeous" I said as Olivia waltzed down the stairs.

She had on a black mini skirt with a red blouse and red heels to match. Her hair was in a bun while her makeup was perfect.

"Thanks babe" She said smiling.

I held her hand as she walked down the final step. She did a little twirl with our hands connected in the air to show off her outfit.

"Looking good mom" Cheyenne said walking by.

"Thanks Chey" Olivia said.

"Better watch out dad, the guys are gonna be all over her" Cheyenne joked as she left.

"Am I going to have to fight the waiter?" I asked.

"Oh c'mon you" Olivia said grabbing my hand and dragging me out the front door.

I locked the front door behind us and then held open the passenger door for Olivia. After she got in, I went over to the drivers side and got in. We drove off and towards the restaurant to meet my friends and coworkers. When we got there I had to park in a building down the street since Olive Garden's parking lots were full. We parked and quickly made our way to Olive Garden. The waitress took us to a large table outside where everyone was sitting, drinking and chatting. When they saw us they greeted us.

"Hey Shayne, Olivia" Greg said.

He stood up to let us pass to the empty chairs next to him.

"Hey Greg, how are the kids?" I asked.

"Oh you know, rowdy as usual" He joked.

I chuckled as we sat down. I sat next to Greg while Olivia sat on my other side next to Emily. They immediately struck up conversation, something about appetizers. Me, Greg and the othwr guys began to talk about our day at work today. Apparently someone had played a prank on Joe, another coworker, and replaced his specialty coffee with cold coffee. Jpe had spit it out all over the wall. Pretty soon the food came and we all chowed down. Olivia ordered an entire plate of Fettuccini Alfredo but kept stealing some of my Ravioli. Emily told us about the vacation she's taking next week with her boyfriend Steven in Costa Rica. Man almost made me wish I could just take a couple days off. The endless salad and breadsticks combined with the pasta ended up filling our stomachs pretty soon. Dessert came through but we had to get a box because we couldn't finish it. I'll just give the leftover cake to Cheyenne when we get home. We said our goodbyes to everyone and then left the restaurant. Olivia looped her hand with mine as we began to walk to the car.

"I forgot we parked so far away" Olivia commented.

"Why?" I asked.

"My stomach is so full" She said.

"Remember that next time when you steal my pasta" I joked.

We were halfway to the next building when Olivia spotted a faster route.

"Let's just cut through the alleyway it's faster" She suggested.

"What about the exercise?" I said.

Olivia gave me a look that I could definitely read.

"Ok" I agreed holding her hand.

We began to walk down the alley which was kinda like those ones in the movie, dark and smelly. We were almost out of the alleyway when she pulled me close to say something.

"We should do this more often" Oliva said smiling.

"We should" I said returning the smile.

We were about to walk again when I saw a shadowy figure out of the corner of my eye behind us. I instinctively stood close to her.

"Shayne?" She asked curiously looking at me then the man.

The man dug around in his pockets and pulled out a gun. He pointed it at us as Olivia squealed in terror.

"All your money now" The man growled.

I begrudgingly threw my wallet to him since I didn't want anything to happen to Olivia. I could feel her shaking in fear as she searched her purse frantically for her wallet.

"Faster!" The man demanded.

"I'm trying" Olivia said in fear.

"She's scared, leave her alone!" I said.

"Shut up!" He said.

I grimaced and stood even closer to Olivia. She could barely think, let alone look for her wallet being this scared. Suddenly a siren sounded around the corner.

"You know what screw this" He said pointing the gun at Olivia.

I realized what he was about to do so I quickly jumped in front of her.

"Shayne!!!" Olivia screamed.

That was the last thing I heard before gunshots rang out and the to go box hit the ground along with me.

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