Chapter 10

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The sun rose outisde causing a glare on the blinds and window. I glanced over to my side and saw Shayne face down in his pillow still sleeping. The blanket stopped right above his tailbone. I didn't want to wake him so I slowly and carefully crept out of the comforter and onto the floor. Thankfully he didn't hear me as I headed into the walk in closet. I grabbed some black leggings and paired them with a pink sports bra. Once I was dressed I found my running shoes and put them on. As I left the room I gave sleeping Shayne a kiss on forehead before shutting the door. I almost ran into my daughter right after I turned the knob shut.

"Chey!" I whisper yelled.

"Hi" She said normally.

"Shhhh, your father is sleeping" I told her.

"Oh, my bad" She said lowering her voice.

"What are you doing up so early?" I asked.

"Well... I actually wanted to talk to you about something but it can wait I guess" Cheyenne said eyeing my outfit and beginning to walk away.

"Wait" I said.

Cheyenne turned around.

"You want to join me on my morning jog?" I asked.

"You mean like the old days?" She asked.

"Except I won't push you in a stroller this time" I teased.

"Aw man" Cheyenne joked.

"Let me change and I'll join you" She said going into her room.

A minute later she came out dreseed in her workout gear I bought her last month.

"It's nice to see you finally putting that to use" I commented.

She rolled her eyes and followed me down the stairs. After I locked the door behind us, we began to fast walk down the street.

"So what's on your mind?" I asked.

"How did you know you were in love with dad?" Cheyenne blurted out.

I looked at her slightly amused and slightly surprised.

"Sorry, there's this boy and I think I have feelings for him" She explained.

"Oh?" I said raising an eyebrow.

"Ugh mom, now's not the time for you to investigate, I just need some advice" She said.

"Well to answer your question, I knew I was in love with your dad when I had food poisoning on his birthday, all of us were staying at a hotel in Sacramento and I spent the whole night running to the toilet every five minutes, your Uncle's Noah and Keith went out with your Aunt Courtney for drinks but he stayed behind for me on his own birthday night, He finally fell asleep around 3 am on the bed next to me but would rub my stomach while he slept, subconsciously trying to make me feel better" I said reminiscing.

"Dang I never knew dad was such a sweetheart" Cheyenne said.

"He has his moments" I said speeding up.

My fast walk turned into a brisk jog as Cheyenne kept up next to me.

"But enough about your father and I, what do you feel for this boy?" I asked.

"Well.... I get nervous whenever I'm around him, my hands get all clammy and I forget words" She said.

"Oof, sounds like your in trouble" I joked.

"Mom!" She said.

"Okay okay, just tell me, what do you feel inside you when you see him?" I asked.

"I guess.. giddy or excited?" Cheyenne said.

"Does the thought of him bring a smile to your face?" I said.

"Maybe..." She said trying to suppress a grin.

I stopped near the park water fountain so we could catch our breath and continue the conversation.

"Well then that settles it" I said.

"What?" She asked.

"You have to ask this boy out, you clearly have feelings for him" I stated.

"............. He kinda invited me to a party" Cheyenne said meekly.

"What? Why are you just now telling me this?" I said.

She simply shrugged.

"Honey, you can go to the party but only if you tell me how things go with this boy" I said.

"Okay" She said smiling.

"Now c'mon, I wanna get back home before your dad wakes up" I said jogging in place.

Time skip...

I opened the front door and followed after Cheyenne inside. Luckily it looked like Shayne wasn't awake yet. We went up the stairs and towards our rooms. Right before I opened my door Cheyenne spoke softly.

"Thanks for the talk mom" She said.

"Anytime Chey" I said.

"And Mom?" She said.

"Yeah?" I replied looking at her.

"The boys name is Tom" She said before shutting her door.

I smiled and opened the door to my room and saw Shayne now spread eagle across the whole bed. I decided to mess with him. I moved to my side of the bed and slid in as best I could next to him. I started to tickle under him under his armpits. At first he didn't move but then he started to stir awake. He woke up and began to giggle while trying to swat away my fingers.

"Olivia stop" He said laughing.

"Stop what?" I teased and continued.

"You know what" He said rolling over.

On the third attempt he successfully managed to grab my hands and stop me.

"I would kiss you if you weren't so sweaty" He said.

"And I would kiss you if you didn't have morning breath" I said.

"That hasn't stopped you before" Shayne teased.

"Mhm" I said rolling my eyes.

"You need a shower" He said observing me.

"So do you" I said.

"I heard that it's energy efficient and eco friendly to save water" He said.

"Oh yeah, who told you that?" I said chuckling rolling off the bed.

"Noah" He said getting up.

"I suppose he has a point, well are you coming?" I said walking into the bathroom.

"Yeah" He said follwing behind me.

"Remind me to thank Noah" Shayne said before closing the bathroom door.

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