Chapter 14

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"Where is he?" My mom demanded.

"You may visit him in the room there but be warned he is fresh out of surgery" The nurse said.

My mom walked past her while she kept talking about my dad's status. I followed in after her as we made our way into the dim lit room. I could see a bed in the corner which someone laid down on. There were a bunch of machines hooked up but I knew instantly it was dad.

"Shayne!" My mom said as she rushed over to him.

The machines beeped but dad didn't move. It honestly creeped me out a little. All my emotions were in flux currently seeing my dad lay motionless except for his breathing. I went closer and stood next to my mom as she held dad's hand. I pulled over the chair from nearby and let mom sit down on it while she caressed his hand. I touched his arm and felt how cold he was. At first I feared the worst but then I remembered how cold the room was. I gently rubbed his arm up and down as mom talked to him.

"Hey, I"m not sure if you can hear me... but it's Cheyenne and Olivia here with you right now" Mom spoke.

No response.

"I just wanted to let you know that we love you and will be here for you whenever you decide to come back" She said.

"I love you dad" I said quietly.

The door opened and a woman in a long white lab coat walked in. Her face looked serious yet empathetic.

"Ahem.. Hi, I'm Dr. Diaz and I'm going to be Shayne's doctor" She said.

My mom looked at her and nodded while she continued to hold dad's hand. Dr. Diaz turned and looked at me.

"I'm guessing you must be Cheyenne, the daughter" Dr. Diaz said.

"Yeah.." I said.

"Don't worry, we're are going to take good care of your dad" Dr. Diaz said with a sympathetic smile.

"Thank you" I said.

She nodded and then turned back to my mom.

"Can we.. talk outside?" Dr. Diaz asked her.

"..Ok" Mom said.

Dr. Diaz walked outside with mom and the door shut behind them. I could hear their voices but the walls were too thick to understand what they were saying. Dad was still unconscious but I wanted him to know I was there.

"Hey dad... You'll never guess who asked me out" I began.

"Thomas Carter, yup the boy you said looked like a player" I said with a light laugh.

"Anyways we had a nice meal and were getting along pretty good even if he is a nuisance as you said" I said.

I kept talking to dad as if he were actually listening and reacting because for some reason it made me feel better. I told him about Tom, the party and my annoying friends. For a while I had taken my mind off the reality of the situation until my mom came back into the room. I didn't notice her at first until I saw her smile when she saw what I was doing.

"I kept telling him what a sweetheart that Thomas boy was but he maintained that all boys are scoundrels" Mom said.

"What did the Doctor say?" I asked.

It was straight to the point but I was worried about my dad. Mom took a deep breath before answering.

"The doctor said your dad will wake up" My mom answered.

"Oh thank god!" I said with a sigh of relief.

"But..." My mom interrupted my bliss.

"They don't know when" She finished with a sad look.

"....what do you mean?" I asked.

"..It could be days, weeks or even months, there's no way to tell when he'll wake up" She said.

I felt my body go heavy and a few tears appear before my mom engulfed me in a tight hug. I cried into her shoulder.

"I just want my dad back!" I said like a child.

"I know, I know, shhh it'll be ok" My mom said rubbing my back.

"How do you know that though!?" I asked a little too angrily.

She looked at me surprised by my outburst.

"I'm sorry, it's just-" I tried but hugged her even closer.

"I am 100% sure that your dad is fighting his way back to us as we speak" Mom said trying to comfort me.

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