Chapter 12

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I heard the doorbell ring while I was reading a book on the couch. I had borrowed the book 'Sisterhood of The Travelling Pants' from my mom. Dad was right, this Dj Khaled was a great author.

"One second" I announced getting up from the couch.

I skipped over to the door to see who it was. I opened the door and saw Tom Carter smiling back at me.

"Uh hi" I said blushing.

"Hey, I know I said I'd pick you up an hour from now but I thought we could get some food before the party?" He offered.

Who am I to say no to free food and free food with Tom Carter?

"Sure let me get my jacket and keys" I said.

"Cool, I'll wait here" He said.

I nodded and went to the closet and grabbed a sweatshirt. I threw it on over my t shirt and went back to the front door.

"Ready?" He asked.

"Yes" I said smiling.

I locked the door behind me and followed him to his car. It was a pretty nice car I'll admit. A Mercedes C class. Rumor has it that Tom's parents are loaded. He shut my door for me and then got in the drivers seat. He drove us to a nice little diner called 'Trips Diner', it was only about 10 minutes away. He held the door open for me as we walked inside and were seated at a table by a nice waitress.

"So can I start you two off with something to drink?" Kelsey, our waitress asked.

"Yeah, can I have a water?" Tom said.

"Sure, and for you?" She asked looking at me.

"I'll also have a water" I said.

"Ok, I'll be right back with you guys' drinks"Kelsey said before leaving.

Once she returned with our drinks she took our order. We didn't want to be full ad tired at the party so we ordered a plate of loaded cheese fries to split between us. We got to talking about the usual things while they worked on our order. Tom brought up the school charity kickball game that he participated in last week. Just as our food was served, we got to talking about the upcoming school dance.

"So have you uh, asked anyone to the dance yet?" I asked like a fool.

Of course he has, He's one of the most popular and hottest guys in the school. There's no way he's not already taking someone to the the dance.  

"Actually no, I haven't" Tom said.

"What? That's surprising, the dance is only a week away" I said flustered.

"Yeah, I was gonna ask someone but I wasn't sure if she had a date already" He said.

"Oh, really?" I asked disappointing.

"Yeah,so I guess what I'm trying to say-" He began.

My phone began to ring and interrupted him right as he began. It was a number that seemed familiar.

"Sorry, I have tot get this"I said.

I didn't want to miss the call if it was important or Chloe or Emma calling asking for help with something.

"Don't uh worry about it" Tom said smiling.

God, how does he make a smile look so perfect? Come on Chey, stay focused. I pressed the answer button and put the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hi, this is Brady hospital calling, Olivia Topp gave us this number, are you her daughter Cheyenne Topp?" She said.

"Uh yes, this is she" I said.

"Can you come down to the hospital at this hour? Your mother has asked for you" She said.

"Um Yeah sure, I'll be right there" I said.

"Ok, see you soon" The female said and hung up.

That's weird. Why is my mom at the hospital and why does she need me?

"Sorry Tom but I have to go" I said.

"What about the party?" Tom asked.

"I know, I wish I could but my mom needs me" I said.

"... Ok, I guess I'll see you at school?" He said.

"Yeah, don't worry I'll be there on Monday" I said.

"Cool, well I don't want you to keep your mom waiting, so I'll see you later" Tom said.

"See ya" I said walking outside.

My uber said it was pulling up in front of the diner right as I walked outside. I hopped in the backseat and began to text my friends Chloe and Emma while we drove to the hospital. Emma and Chloe said they didn't know what this hospital thing was about either. The uber came to a stop in front of Brady hospital and let me out. I tucked my phone into my pocket and headed inside. I spotted a lady at a desk who looks like the receptionist.

"Hello" I said walking up to her.

"Hi, how can I help you?" She asked.

"I was told to come here and visit my my mom, can you help me find her?" I asked.

"Sure sweetie, what is her name?" The lady asked.

"Olivia Topp" I replied easily.

"One sec" She said typing away on her keyboard.

These hospitals are always so large. I wonder how they keep track of everyone all at once. Must be a hard and boring job.

"Ah, it seems she is on floor 5 in room 365 with a Mr. Topp" She said.

"Thank you" I replied.

"No problem, have a peaceful night" She said smiling.

I smiled and headed towards the elevator. Hmm, the lady on the phone earlier didn't say dad was here too. I wonder what he is doing here. If he is here, why does my mom need me? Hopefully nothing bad happened. The elevator dinged signalling that I had arrived to my floor. I stepped out and followed the signs towards room 365. As I finally approached the room, I saw my mom outside the room in a chair crying into her hands. What? what is going on? I quickened my pace and sat down next to my mom and wrapped an arm around her.

"Shhh, shh, shh, it's okay" I tried to comfort her.

"Cheyenne?" She managed to ask through her tears.

"Yes it's me mom" I said.

"Oh honey" She said trying to hold back her tears as she hugged me tight.

"Mom what's going on?" I asked her.

"It's.. it's.." She tried to say.

"What?" I asked again.

"It's your father" She said in between sniffles.

"What about dad?" I asked concerned.

"He's... He's.." She began.

"He's what?" I pleaded.

"He's been shot" My mom said.

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