Chapter 16

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I was back again at the hospital today. Everyday after work, I would come and visit my husband. I was currently in the process of informing him of what Keith did to Noah at a party the other day.

"Uggh" Shayne said.

"I know right? That's what I said" I replied.

"Like why would he-" I stopped mid sentence.

"Shayne!??" I yelped.

I could've sworn he moved. I quickly got up an ran out of the door. I bumped into Cheyenne on the way out.

"Ouch, mom?" She said.

"Go, stay with your father" I said placing my hands on her shoulders.

"Huh? Where are you going?" She asked.

"To find the nurses, just please stay with your father" I asked.

"Ok" Cheyenne said.

I gave her a quick kiss on the forehead before turning around and heading towards the desk with all the staff. They all seemed busy but I just had a feeling.

"Hello, I need some help" I said interrupting a young woman.

"How can I help you ma'am?" She said putting down a stack of paper.

"I think my husband is awake" I said.

"Uh what do you mean?" The nurse asked confused.

"MY husband was in a coma but I swear he just woke up" I said emphatic.

"Are you sure?" She asked.

"Positive" I deadpanned.

"Ok, please show me" She said,

The nurse followed behind me as I fast walked back to the room Shayne was in. I opened the door and saw Cheyenne holding her dad's hand. She looked up when she saw me.

"Mom, I swear dad was talking!" Cheyenne said excitedly.

"I know sweetie, I know" I said.

Cheyenne moved as the nurse went to check on Shayne. She took his temperature and other vitals before checking the machines again. For some reason she did not seem to convinced that Shayne was awake. It wasn't until she tried to stick a needle in his finger that she believed us.

"Ouch" Shayne said suddenly when he was pricked with a needle.

The nurse looked at us before pressing a button on the machine next to the bed.

"Is he going to be okay?" Cheyenne asked.

"It seems that he is in the process of waking up but there are still lingering signs that suggest he is still in a coma" The nurse answered.

"But he just reacted to the needle?" I said.

"Yes and that is a good first step" She said before the door opened.

Several more nurses walked in with more tools and clipboards. They all hovered around Shayne while I held Cheyenne close. They were writing things down on their clipboards while pushing their glasses up. It seemed like forever before all of them left except for the original nurse.

"What's going on?" I asked curious.

"Something's wrong, he should be waking up but he is stalwart" She said.

I let go of Cheyenne and walked over to Shayne's bed. I held his hand while I looked at his calm face.

"Please Shayne, you need to wake up" I whispered to him.


"Shayne, please, Cheyenne needs her father" I whispered again.

Still nothing.

"....I need you" I said lowly into his ear.

His face and body remain unchanged. 

I felt disappointment as my heart fell. Giving up, I placed a chaste kiss on his lips before moving to sit down. Cheyenne wrapped a reassuring arm around me as the nurse began to leave. Suddenly, noises on the machine went off.

"Olivia?" Shayne's voice said.

I raised my head up in disbelief as I saw his eyelids open to reveal his blue eyes staring at me. I hopped out of my seat and rushed over to him as the nurse went to the machines. I could feel joy surround my whole body. I placed a sloppy and joyous kiss on his lips before giving him a tight hug. Cheyenne appeared behind me and joined in on the hug, turning it into a family group hug.

"You're gonna suffocate me" Shayne joked meekly.

We separated as I felt my eyes tear up.

"Don't cry babe" He said wiping gently at my eyes with a thumb.

"Dad!" Cheyenne said tearing up as well.

"C'mon you know I hate to see my girls cry" He said giving a smile.

Cheyenne smiled wide before launching into a hug with him again. The nurse finished with the machines and turned to me.

"Well it seems too good to be true but, your husband has made a full recovery" She said smiling.

"Really?" I asked excitedly.

"I spoke with the doctor and she said that he should be able to leave in a week if all goes well" The nurse said.

"Thank you so much" I said.

"Actually thank you" She said.

"Me?" I asked confused.

"It seems that somehow the senses from your kiss awoke him, like a fairy tale or something, pretty amazing and illogical really" She said chuckling.

I smiled and looked back at Shayne and Cheyenne. She was busy crying tears of joy into his chest while he rubbed her back.

"I'm just happy to have my family back" I said grinning as the nurse left the room.

As soon as she left I went over to Cheyenne and Shayne and joined in on the group hug again.

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