Chapter 13

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"Ma'am?" A female voice near me said.

I didn't respond. I was too busy staring at the wall.

"Ma'am?" The voice said.

This time the woman touched my arm, causing me to look up. It was a nurse in scrubs with a nametag that spelled 'Zara' her name. I didn't say anything but still looked at her.

"Let's get you checked out ok?" Zara said.

I was still in shock so I didn't speak, I just slowly nodded and stood up. Cheyenne squeezed my hand with love before I followed behind the nurse. She took me into a room with a lot of tools and a table to sit on. I hopped up and sat on the table.

"Usually we check people out when they come in but considering your circumstances with your husband, let's just see how you're doing" Zara said.

I just stared at her again. She seeemed to understand amd put on gloves before grabbing her stethescope. The nurse checked my heart rate and then my temperate. All seemed to be normal for what was going on. Hopefully this goes smoothly, even if I cant go back and see Shayne, I want to be there for him in spirit with Cheyenne. She pulled out a needle and attachments and looked at me.

"Is it okay if I do a quick blood test? Just a precaution" The nurse explained.

I nodded my head in agreement. She gave me a reassuring look before placing the needle in my arm. She drew two containers of blood before excusingnf herself outside. About eight minutes later she came back in with the results. She began writing down on her clipboard full of notes.

"Everything seems to be good so far" Zara said.

"Ok" I said meekly.

"And don't worry, the baby is fine" The nurse said looking up.

That shocked me out of my already current state of shock.

"What did you just say!?" I asked.

"The baby is fine?" Zara said looking at me confused.

"Oh my god, I'm pregnant?!" I said with wide eyes.

"Wait.... You didn't know?" She asked.

"No..." I said staring off into space.

"Well this is great news then, maybe even good fortune sign" The nurse said smiling.

"Yeah, I can't wait to tell....... Shayne....." I said.

Zara put a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"We have the best doctors at this hospital, I'm sure we will do everything to take care of him" She said.

I squeezed her hand on my shoulder in thanks.

"Plus from what I've gathered, he is an exceptional man and should pull through" The nurse said.

"Thank you" I said wiping away a stray tear.

Just then the door opened quickly and my daughter rushed into the room looking panicked.

"I heard you yelling, is everything ok mom?" Cheyenne asked concerned.

"Yes sweetheart, I'm..... Fine" I said.

"Oh thank god" Cheyenne said moving to hug me.

"I'll leave you two alone for a minute" Zara said leaving the room.

I decided not to tell Cheyenne about the pregnancy at this time. Right now didn't seem like a good time to spring the news. We just sat there hugging for a while before she let go.

"Is dad going to make it?" Cheyenne asked suddenly.

I could see tears starting to form in her eyes. I knew how hard this was for me but, I couldn't imagine how hard it was for her.

"If anyone can pull through this, it's your dad" I reassured her.

That seemed to cheer her up but only by a little bit. The nurse came back in shortly after.

"Everything checks out, you can go back to the waiting room now if you'd like" Zara said.

I thanked her and went back outside Shayne's room with Cheyenne. After minutes of nothing and sitting there worrying, I got an idea.

"C'mon let's go to the cafeteria" I said nudging Cheyenne.

"Are you sure?" She asked.

"Yeah c'mon, we need something to distract us until someone tells us news" I said.

"Ok" She said.

I got up and headed towards the elevator with Cheyenne trailing behind me. We took the elevator down to the second floor and headed down the hall. Once we got to the cafeteria, Cheyenne found us a table while I got some food. Nothing special, just two ham and cheese sandwiches with Jello. We were halfway through the meal when I got a call. Cheyenne looked at me expectantly. I fished my phone out of my purse and answered it.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Olivia Topp?" The voice asked.

"Yes, this is her" I said.

"Hi this is Dr. Angela in operations, I have some news regarding your husband Shayne Topp" She said.

I dropped my spoon full of Jello onto the table.

"What about him?" I asked as Cheyenne looked at me.

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