Chapter Twelve

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~Wednesday 13th December 2017~

"Wynny!" Alwynn grinned at the exclamation of his grandmother, who hoisted herself from her armchair and opened up her arms.

"Don't bother getting up, gran," Alwynn wrapped his arms around his grandmother, pressing a chaste kiss to her cheek.

"I may be eighty-three, Wynny, but I'm still fit as a fiddle," Alwynn knew he had many nicknames but Wynny was probably his favourite. His grandmother and late grandfather had been the only ones to ever call him it, he actually used to snap at others when they addressed him as such. It was special to him, and even more special to his grandparents.

"I know, gran, you don't look a day over twenty-two."

"Oh, Stephie, your grandson certainly is as sweet as you said he was," one of the younger female carers gushed, batting her eyelashes, blushing deeply. Alwynn flashed a polite smile, though he mostly ignored the attendants, they were either far too eager to speak to him or downright rude. No in-between.

"Wynny, this is, Ainslee, she's only been here about two weeks. Ever since that bit-"

"Gran," Alwynn said in a warning tone, though he kept that smile on his face, helping his grandmother sit down, "no cursing, you have to play nice here if you want to stay," Ainslee giggled over Stephie's low grumbling.

"Can I take your coat for you, sir? Or maybe get you something to drink?"

"Please, just call me Alwynn. Black coffee please, two sugars," Alwynn shrugged off his jacket, passing it to Ainslee and sitting down opposite his grandmother when the girl had wandered off, "she seems nice."

"She is, Wynny, but, bless her heart, she doesn't have a smart bone in her body," Alwynn chuckled quietly, used to his grandmother's caring, yet blunt, nature from visiting her over the years, "I'm serious, that black coffee will take her half an hour to make and when you get it, it'll still be made wrong. Heart of gold but brain-dead, my dear," Alwynn chuckled once again, leaning closer to his grandmother and pulling a medium-sized bag of little candies wrapped in green and blue foil.

"Here's your contraband," Stephie's eyes lit up at the sight of the bag, which she immediately slipped into her purse next to her chair, patting Alwynn's cheek.

"You're a star, Wynny," Stephie had type one diabetes, and living in a retirement home meant her diet was controlled rather strictly. Despite that, she still somehow managed to convince Alwynn to smuggle in her favourite treats every visit. Sour blackcurrant liquorice. Alwynn thought they tasted rancid but Stephie adored them and they always brightened her day so he brought them every time he came to see her.

"I'm practically a criminal for you, gran," Stephie laughed, clasping Alwynn's hand in hers, "how are you then? You seem happier with Yvonne gone," Yvonne had been Stephie's previous carer, with each resident of the home getting a personal one to assist them throughout the day and just keep them company when family didn't have time to visit. Stephie had never liked her, insisted she was stealing from her, trying to kill her, all sorts. It was rather embarrassing for Alwynn when Stephie would actually make comments about Yvonne to her face. She had certainly gotten discourteous in her old age.

Alwynn came once a month, though he wished he could come more often, it was just too difficult to get there. When he learnt to drive, he vowed he would come once a week, he would just need a car then to fulfil his desire. Maybe he could get Vant to drive him sometime, Alwynn was sure Stephie would like him.

"I am happier, Wynny, but it's nothing to do with that witch leaving," Alwynn cocked an eyebrow at Stephie, who merely smiled wryly back at him, he had certainly gotten his own wit from his grandmother, "I'm seeing someone," Alwynn's eyes widened, having not expected news like that from his grandmother. His grandfather had died nearly seven years ago, peaceful despite his illnesses, but he wasn't sure Stephie would have ever been able to get over it. He couldn't help the sense of relief that washed over him, she was happy, and that happiness was spreading into his own soul.

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