in my dreams, and on my paper

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~tj's pov~

i woke up in a cold sweat. that dream, it keeps invading my mind like a virus. i'd had it three times this week alone. i wished that it would stop, because all it did was confuse me. he was in it again. he was always in it.

i picked up my phone to check the time. 5:30 am. i had to wake up for school in an hour anyway, so no use in trying to fall back asleep. i walked to the bathroom to get ready, leaving the lights off because everyone else in the house was still sleeping.

i closed the bathroom door quietly and flipped on the light switch. my eyes stared into themselves. they didn't like what they saw. every time i see myself i wish so badly i was a different person. i wished that i could be anyone else but myself.

my eyes darted away from the mirror as i grabbed my toothbrush and toothpaste. i started to run through my daily routine, i had school at 8:30 until 3:30, arguably the worst part of the day. then i had a small break before i worked until 7:30.  there wasn't much time to hang out with friends.


did i really have those? i guess there was the basketball team, but i didn't hang out with them outside of practice very often. i hung out with reed and lester a lot,  but they didn't seem to be very good for me. then there was cyrus. i only knew him because of my rivalry with some girl on my team, but he seemed to want to get to know me. that was so strange. i guess if i had to pick anyone to label as my friend, cyrus would be it

my thoughts were abruptly cut off by a knock at the door.

"tj! hurry up in there!" my sister called, she was already irritated and the day hadn't even started!

"amber calm down. there's still an hour and a half before we need to leave!" 

"dude please!! i really want to look good today and i need time to get ready!" she seemed very adamant that i let her in, and i didn't have the energy to argue. i unlocked the door and opened it to reveal amber's tired and uninviting face staring back at me. 

"just let me do my hair and you'll have the place all to yourself" i told her, hoping to calm the anger i was sensing. 

"you really shouldn't put so much gel in it you know." i ignored her in hopes of ending our communication for the morning.

i headed down to the kitchen to grab a muffin. i saw my reflection in the glass door and looked at it for a second. i needed to get rid of my normal face and put on a confident mask for everyone at school to see. i ate my breakfast alone and waited in the living room for amber to be done getting ready so that we could go to school. amber dropped me off early today because she needed to speak with a teacher before school. 

~cyrus' pov~

the sun rose into my window and woke me up peacefully. although, since it was the end of summer, the sun woke me up at 5:30 in the morning. it was quite pleasant, nobody there to clutter the house with noise. i felt the strong urge to write, something about the tranquility of a cool september morning made me feel so inspired. 

flying like a sparrow from the heavens
swooping. swerving.
gracefully gliding through the air
weaving through the landscape
as if landing was never an option

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