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bitch ass bens pov

that was the first time i had ever skipped practice. i really just wanted to be with my lil joey.  even though we hadn't made anything official i still cared for him. 

"so joe". i turn to him on the couch.

"yes benny?". oop I guess he really does libel that name

"so, this might be a little shocking to you, but no one knows i'm gay. except for one person". oh shit. i forgot to tell rami everything that happened. i'll tell him at school.

"well that's ok, no one needs to know.".

"well....... well what about our relationship?". i ask

"is it a relationship? what are we joe?". i knew we were something, i just needed to confirm. joe looks down at his lap and sighs.

"w-would you like to be my boyfriend?" joe asks in a quiet voice.

"it would be an honor darling" he jumps on the couch and covers my face in kisses as i chuckle.

"j-joe, joe! stop i want to kiss you!". i say as he pulls away.

i pull him into a passionate kiss, soft but slow and filled with love.

we both pull away and joe looks away in embarrassment.

"i would like to take you on a date". joe says

"like a real one ben, next weekend.". i looked at him, he was all i wanted, all i will ever need.

"i would love nothing more". he sits back down and i remember what this conversation started as.

"wait, but baby, how do i tell the people at school?".

"w-well i would be ok if you didn't want people to know i mean i-i guess I could keep it a secret." he says with a little pout.

"no, i want to tel- or in show them! i love you joe and i want everyone to know.". i just said i love you for the first time. oh no he isn't responding, i'm scared what if he doesn't love me back?

"y-you love ?" he asks.

"more than you could even know beautiful," I respond back, pulling him into a kiss.

"but you're the beautiful one!" he says.

"oh be quiet joey! you're perfect!" i say. i can feel my face getting hotter so i turn away.

the rest of the night was showered in compliments and kisses. i really do love him.

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