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bens pov

the day had been a struggle without joe. being with him for so long these last to two days made being without him seem so....... odd.

during lunch i texted joe. i knew he was in a class during my lunch but i just needed to hear from him. wow, i am needy.

mozzarella stick

joe, i miss you.

oh benny, it's just a school day, i'll be yours all after noon!

i still miss you! xx

i have to go back to class, love you though!

rami saw me looking down at my phone and lightly smacked me.

"ben, were you even listening to me? youre talking to your boyfriend aren't you?".

"i just had to talk to him rami. let me know why you find someone who cares for you like this other then your mother." i laugh at ramis disappointment. he doesn't have a girlfriend but he's been talking to a girl named lucy for a while now.

"so, what's up with you and lucy, you ask her out yet?" i ask him. the answer is always no but i ask him any ways.

"no, but yesterday she remembered my name!". i give him a pat on the back. he really had no shot with lucy, but we let him dream.

lunch is finally over and i can see joe now. i know i sound so stupid, but i missed him all day. #separation anxiety

i walk into class and see someone in my seat. i don't know who it is but she's talking to joe and i want her out. but maybe they're just friends. they probably are, but i need to sit next to joe.

"hey baby" i say as i walk over and stand by joe. ugh i just wanna be around joey, now this girls gotta come ruin it all!

"oh sweetie thank god you're here, this is lucy she had to switch classes and she's in our class.". he says looking up at me.

i lean down to whisper in his ear "baby can i please sit next to you i missed you all day." i say with my puppy dog eyes. they get him every time.

he looks up at me and nods "hey lucy, we have assigned seats, so i think you should ask mr.white where you sit, because ben sits here.".

she gets up and i sit in the seat quickly masking sure she doesn't change her mind. "oh i've missed you all day joe, i know it has barley been a few hours but it was hell wit-"

"mr.hardy if i see you talking to joe one more time, i'll give you both after school detention!". woops. i'm fine with detention if it's with joe.

skrrrrt sorry this is a little bit of a filler, the next few chapters will be juicy

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