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Donghoen : Im gonna play a song i've been working on.

Donghoen : And it's called "my experience as Verivery's leader so far"

Donghoen : *inhales deeeply*

Donghoen : *plays a chord*

Donghoen : *screams & cry*


Kangmin : So, you not coming with me ?

Hoyoung : Kangneagi, im not your mum

Hoyoung : *hand Kangmin the lunch box*

Hoyoung : Here are ur lunch box

Hoyoung : I pick you up at 4

Kangmin : 😆😆😻💕💕


Gyehyeon : Move out of my way bitch

Gyehyeon : Im gay

Yeoho : Im gay too! You peice of shit

Yeoho : And wait for your fucking turn


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