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America's POV

"What??" Maxon was so confused so am I.

"Yes your father is dangerous, when you were little he tried to kill you because you try to protect Maxon" he turned turn head and look at Maxon "You didn't remember that because she erased your memories" now Maxon turned to me 

"How can I give him his memory back?" I asked

"Maxon are you sure you want to see that ?"

"Yes so how she have to do that?"

"Just touch his head and close your eyes" I did what grandpa said and I think it works because I saw that too it was when we were very young maybe 6-7 we meet in forest next to palace and sit on blanket and eat candies. But than he came, he grabbed Max and start yelling at him and I used my power and pulled them apart and run up to Max to check if he is ok, I hugged him. But Clarkson were coming our direction "What are you doing ?!!!", he start running. I reached out my hands and blue magic made shield around us "We are safe here but I have to go" I kissed his cheek, and touched his forehead "Forget about what happened here, but don't forget about me bye". Then run so fast and climb up the tree and saw confused Max going somewhere.

"What you were Max??"

"Yes and you were Mer?? Why you didn't tell me your real name??"

"Because she can't" someone said, me and Maxon turned. 

I was shocked "Grandma??"


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