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America's POV

"Why Elijah? Why?"

"Because he will be like you. He will not be scared, he will be most powerful, he will not die. He will be a monster. And why you care so much about him ?"

"His little baby of course I care!" I looked in his brown eyes "Did Nicoletta know about that?"

"Of course she know it was her idea" I could not believe that "So let's start are you ready?"

"What now on my daughter birthday party?"

"Ok we will meet today night and don't try any tricks" he send me serious look then turned around and go back to Nicoletta. I walk to Maxon and Maddie "Hey darling everything ok?"

"Yes Maddie I think you can open your presents now" she run up to present mountain and open everything, when she was done Clarkson and Amberly walk over to her and give her pink cage when she opened it small puppy start to run around her. She was so happy that she start cry, when she stop I take step closer to her 

"Do you think it's time for present from mommy and daddy?"

"Yes yes yes"

"So you will have sister and brother are you happy?"

"Yes yes yes yes"


I was in ballroom waiting for Elijah, Nicoletta and Kai. I think that I will play something while I'm waiting I choose my favorite song Thousand Years by Christina Perry.

Elijah and Nicoletta entered the room but I didn't saw them so when I finished the song he start claps "Beautiful, beautiful America as always, but can we start now?"

"Yes I think where is Kai?" Nicoletta step closer to me and give me Kai. I looked at her but she wasn't looking at me. This time when I touched I felt warm and love to him like he was my baby he touched my cheek and I saw me and him in future happy and twins Fallon have blond hair and Steven brown same as Kai they all look pretty then I saw me, Maxon Kai, twins situation next to fireplace smiling. When I get back to normal life I was still smiling and looking at Kai but then I felt that my head hurts so bad and everything went black.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~12 hours later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I waked up with head ache, Maxon was laying down next to me "You scared me to death I think that you will not wake up" I kissed him on lips

"It's impossible I can't die" then I kissed his for head, then I thanked about Kai. I stand up and start looking around "Are you ok? What are you looking for?"

"Where is Kai? Where is Madeline?" Maxon walk up to me and hold my hand

"I'm sorry, Maddie is gone" I was shocked my Maddie is gone. I start to cry on Maxon shoulder but then I heard baby crying I start to look around "Where is Kai?"

"He is in gardens with my mom and dad" I give him fast kiss on lips and start running towards the gardens but long red dress and red heels are not so good for running so I stop for a second and take them of and start run again. When I get to the gardens I saw Amberley and Clarkson sitting on our bench, she was holding Kai in her arms. I run close to them and get on my knees and reached my hands, crying "Please can I hold him?". She give him to me and I hug him to me 

"I will never leave you alone darling I will always be with you" I cried and kiss his forehead. Then I felt strong arms around "Shhh it's ok everything is ok" I felt that he is kissing top of my head and I kissed top of Kai head. When I looked at Amberley and Clarkson they were hugging and looking at us.

"I think we should go inside" he picked up and help me get up. We start walking towards the palace he was holding me by one arm, I was hugging Kai and I put my head on Maxon's shoulder.

"I love you two very much"   

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