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America's POV

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2 days before wedding~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Who will be your bridesmaid ?" Sylvia asked 

"hmm..." I was looking gardens at our bench.

"Maybe Kriss?" I turned my head immediately and send her clod look

"No! I I want Marlee" 

"Did someone said my name?" I looked at door and saw Kriss 

"What are you still doing here? I told you to get out of my house!"  I yelled but she take step closer to me

"You are not a Queen so you can't tell me what to do" she touched my belly " And those brats will be ugly same as you" she put her mean smile, I grabbed her hand and used my power to hurt her "Aaaaaa !", "Stay away from my family" I released her hand and pushed her on the wall. She run out of the room. "So where we stop?" I turned to shocked Sylvia "I think we are done".

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 day later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I meet with Marlee in kitchen "are you nervous before the wedding?"

"yes, what if I do something wrong?"

"you will not and don't stress or you will do something to twins, oh America I forget to tell you me and Carter will have boy!!" she was so excited "congrats, maybe our kids will be friends"

"You didn't show me your engagement ring yet" I reached out my hand "Oh it's so pretty"

"I forget I have something for you from Maxon and me you can say that it's wedding present for you and Carter" I give her box with real wedding rings "I don't know if those will fit but I change if they will not fit" she had tears in her eyes.

"Thank you so much you and Maxon give me and Carter a lot what can we give to you?"

"First try them and do you want to be my bridesmaid and Carter Maxon's best man?"

"Yes yes yes OMG of course I will" she hugged me tight

"Thank you for choosing me" 

Broken - America&MaxonNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ