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"Welcome everyone we are here to celebrate Princess Madeline 4th birthday!!" everyone start claps for her "So I think now it's time for birthday song? Please welcome Princess America Schreave!" I go to piano and sit dow and start song

Happy Birthday to YouHappy Birthday to YouHappy Birthday Dear MaddieHappy Birthday to You.From good friends and true,From old friends and new,May good luck go with you,And happiness too.

When I finished I run up to Maxon and grabbed he's hand and go back to piano and sit down with him. He start play next song that I make my self for Maddie. 

When we finished Gravil start talk "It was very beautiful your majesties! And now Princess Madeline make a wish and blow out the candles" Me and Maxon walk up to her and he start doing pictures of her, I picked her up and she blow out the candles. Everyone start claps "What was your wish?" I asked "I want little sister or brother".

I walk over to Gravil and ask him if I can say something, he give me microphone "Thank you all for coming here for my daughter 4th birthday! And now please have fun!" I give microphone back to Gravil and walk with Maxon and Maddie to meet guests. When I saw Nicoletta with her husband Elijah and their son Kai (he has 5 months) I run up to them and give her big hug.

"Perfect party America" Elijah said and kiss top of my hand.

"Thank you Elijah" I turned to little Kai "And you must be Prince Kai, I'm America"  I reached my hand to touch his little hand but when he touched my hand I felt cold all over my body, immediately I step back and look at Nicoletta but she was confused but when I looked at Elijah he knew what happened.

"America can you go with me for a second?"

"Of course" I kissed Maxon for goodbye and walk with Elijah towards the palace "Elijah what just happened?"

"Kai is Original that's why when you touched him you felt something"

"But that's impossible you and Nicoletta are not Originals"

"Yes but he is adopted and I want you to take away his power"

"What?" I stop walking and looked at him

"America please you have to do it, or I will do something to Madeline"

"Don't you dare touch my daughter"

"I will not if you take away Kai power"

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