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-6-When Pha reached the Engineering Department, he was greeted by the usual screams and hisses. Like always these good for nothing Engineers, had nothing to do and were picking fights! For sure the teachers left for a conference! This would mean no classes for a bunch of this load and explained why they had so much free time already! Phana felt a bad feeling spread inside his body, he knew he shouldn't be here! But he brushed it off and rather walked in to the direction of the noises, that probably were mostly caused by Forth!

So, when Phana turned around the probably third corner he meet with a sight that made his body get the chills! There seemed to be a hole group of students from a different university ... also Engineering for sure. They were about fifteen guys and Forth's gang were about four with him! Of course, they were fighting and let's just say it was a bloody sight! But the soon to be doctor hadn't got the chills from a little blood, no. It was the fact that Forth seemed to win! His buddy's already nocked out on the ground and five of the former so many enemies were standing. Barley. The taller was good, Pha had to admit! Most punches and kicks were easily dogged by Forth, the once he couldn't doge... well his body didn't even seem to care about them much! For a moment Phana was actually thinking that Forth would win and that he should leave for his dorm and give the other a break... Forth clearly didn't acquire assistance with those guys! After all, in there few minutes Pha watched Forth had already knocked out three of them. So, the med student turned around and was about to leave, walking to his car. He unlocked it and opened his car door when he heard something that sounded like a shot! Then a loud hiss. Clearly from Forth! Phana already cursed himself for what he would do now, but something inside him made him run back to the scene!

When he arrived, his body froze in his movement though! Forth had beaten almost all of them but the last guy had pulled a gun! Forth was bleeding and Pha could see it! Pha sighted, he turned around the corner and like a good responsible person caller the Police- Ok who are we kidding here, no. Pha rushed out from behind the corner and gave the opponent a punch that gave the already barley standing man the rest! Forth looked at Pha in shock. He surly didn't believe that this day would ever come again! Pha helped him. "Uh..." Forth was at the loss of words, holding his bleeding arm. Pha's eyes scanned the other, his lip was bleeding, like the spot right above his eyebrow, Forth's knuckles were completely bloody from a mixture of his and his opponents' blood. His arm had a bulled wound and overall you could say Forth looked like a mess. Still all these wounds didn't stop Forth from sliding down the next wall and lighting himself a cigarette. It was silent. Finally. Pha never really witnessed a fight with the Engineers... so it was crazy to him that the guy's that gained conciseness stood up and left without a word! They dragged the guy with the gun after them and even apologised for him!? It was sure a different world then the world Pha lived in. When he flighted, then not for fun and never would he leave like nothing happened...

Minutes passed by and Forth still didn't say anything. So Pha decided to leave but stopped growing annoyed with the others way of showing gratitude to someone that saved his ass! "Oh thank you Pha, you really saved my ass there! Ah don't mention it dick head!" Pha imitated forth having a fake discussion with himself and looked down at Froth frustrated. "Fuck off!" Forth told him sternly, showing he wasn't in the mood for these kinds of fights now. So Pha just sighted and turned to leave again. "Oi, Pha. Thanks, na?" Forth yelled, a feeling of guiltiness spreading inside his heart, with his words he stopped other dead in his tracks. "Why thanking me? I didn't do it for you! Neither for nothing, I want answers!" Pha stated now also sternly. "What do you want to know?" Forth Said simply still more then annoyed. "Why the fuck are you such an asshole!? I just saved your filthy ass and that because you got shot, now I even need to drive you to a hospital so you won't bleed out!" Pha never in his life was this frustrated with someone, why was this guy so much to Handel again? Ah right he was Forth, Pha remembered! "Can you fix it?" Like always Forth asked this completely out of context and this time even more serious. He slipped his jacked off showing the wound.


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