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-9-Pha's face changed in a dangerous way. His alarm clocks all ringing, when Forth began to suck on Pha's neck, leaving a bruise. So, to return the favour and end this torture, Forth earned a good punch in to his face. Once again, he held his nose checking if it was bleeding. To his luck it didn't. "If you think this is an opportunity to fuck, then you can forget that right now! Our deal is me hanging around you, not me letting you do whatever you like!" Pha had to admit the face Forth was making after the surprising punch was really amusing and satisfying. Even if the taller kind of looked like a kicked puppy... Only the fact that kicking a puppy would give him a feeling of guilt! He let a smile creep its way onto his face.

"You think this is funny don't ya?!" Pha only nodded at Forth's question, before bursting in to a fit of laughter. On the other hand, Forth didn't laugh, his face was dark and he looked like he would kill Pha any second. But to Pha's surprise, seconds later Forth began to chuckle as well, rolling off of Pha. For a moment Pha had forgotten with who he was laughing and enjoyed this peaceful moment. When it hit him, He shook his head to clear it though and let his coldness return in to his features. The doctor left the bed he was pushed on and was about to leave for the balcony when Forth spoke up "you know, I always get what I want, don't you? One way or another, Pha and you just made it easier for me." Forth chuckled evil with his signature smirk on his face. It was almost crazy how fast this guy could change from, laughing his ass off, to dead serious. Pha was amazed but of course didn't show it to Forth!

When he got up Forth walked up to the other and blew one more breath to Pha. The Engineer then pushed past Phana, crashing their shoulders tougher. The Doctor stumbled back a little, for the satisfaction of Forth and with that the other left the little Dorm-room, with a loud bang of the door. Was he angry now or what? Pha didn't understand at all! Seconds passed and the other slowly began to realize what he had just agreed to... his jaw dropped and Pha bit his bottom lip. "Oh, fucking hell!" He cursed before dropping back on to his bed. His face got a bit pale and he knew Forth was right. The Engineer always got what he wanted... and Forth made it clear what exactly it was, to the Doctor. Pha's head turned red, as thoughts invited his mind that sure shouldn't be there! Not in a million years, Pha had thought about a guy doing him... of course being a man that was interested in other men he had thought about having sex with a guy and he also had sex with a guy's multiple times.... Even if he might have gotten a bit rusty, because Yo and he never got further than making out! But never, never even once had he thought about a guy doing him! He was a top and a top only!

But now his mind began to imagine the craziest things... for example the thought of what Forth could do to him on his bed... Panicking the doctor jumped up, shaking his head to clear it. His glaze fell on the table, again he saw what Forth could do to him there! This happened with everything he saw... and Pha had a feeling he was turning crazy. In full panic and anger he rushed to his balcony to look for Forth. Maybe the other was still there... and of course Forth was. He was leaning against a tree looking straight up to Pha's balcony. The taller was smoking a cigarette and gave Pha a shit eating grin! How did this guy just learn to manipulate people that good? Now the Engineer even gave him a wink?! "Fuck you Forth! That will never happen as long as I live!!" Pha yelled down in full rage feeling so many new emotions inside of him, that he had never experienced before. "We will see." this was it. Pha got back inside and sat down feeling angry and panicked at the same time, it was like Forth cursed him! Did he? Pha could not even think straight of course he couldn't! There is no such thing like magic and curses .... he just slowly goes mental....

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