Chapter 1: The Day I Knew

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Emma's POV
   I stood in my kitchen, in the crop top I bought yesterday, already dirty with coffee stains. My phone buzzed. It was James.

   James: hey emma, do you wanna come over with the twins? <3

   I started to type.

   Me: of course but lemme check my schedule!

   I pretended like I was looking at my "plans" that I had for two minutes.

   Me: i don't have anything to do today!

   James responded almost immediately.

   James: okay! be here at 1 pm! bye sister!

   I let out a sigh. Today was supposed to be a me day. Not a go hang out with the person I want to see least day. Ethan.

   We haven't talked since he started going on dates with Daniella, one of my so called "enemies" from high school.

   I had a huge crush on Ethan since one year ago, on the day we meet. He understood me, was nice to me.

12:49. Oh god. I grab all of my things. My bag, my coffee, and my keys. James hates when your late. If you are, he'll probably throw his Balenciagas at you.

I start my car, thinking about Ethan and if Daniella will be there. I stared at the steering wheel for 5 minutes. I tried not to think about it.

Snapping out of it, my eyes turn to the clock. 12:56. I drive as fast as I can, attempting to stay under the speed limit.

When I got there, another car was there. Not Ethan's, nor Grayson or James. A black Mercedes. It must be Daniella's. Damn it.

I don't understand what Ethan sees in her. Daniella always made fun of me in high school.

Nice Shirt, where'd you get it, Starbucks lost and found?

And she especially didn't exactly appreciate my youtube videos that I spent hours of editing time making. She literally disliked all of them.

I just have to suck it up and go in that door. I put my hand in the knob, regretting even stepping on the "Hey Sisters" door mat.

A loud creaking sound emitted from the glass door. "EMMA!" said James, as he ran up to me, giving me one of his huge hugs.

"Hey! It feels like forever since I saw you," I said.

"Everyone is in the living room, we're getting ready to watch a movie," James claimed as he walked away. I slipped my feet out of my Air Force Ones, looking up to see Grayson and Ethan sitting on the couch. No Daniella though.

James's new house was so much bigger than my apartment. It was cozy and had a lot of brick fireplaces, already lit with orange flames.

I gave a small wave to the twins, mostly looking at Ethan. He smirked and went back to the TV.

"I think we should watch this one," said Ethan, pointing to the television.

Grayson snatches the remote from Ethan and says "Nah we should watch this one." He was pointing to a different movie.

Their arguing went on for 10 minutes. It feels like old times again.

"James, who's car was out front?" I asked.

"Oh sorry I forgot to tell you, I invited Ethan's girlfriend to stay last night, her car broke down, so she took a uber to go to lunch."

"Oh," I say, fixing my eyes back to the screen. "Can you guys just pick a damn movie already!"

They both looked at me. The whole room went silent.

The twins burst out laughing, so did James and I. I was practically dying and rolling on my stomach.

"Yeah, yeah," Grayson said through his laughter. "Let's just watch your movie Ethan."

Ethan smiled again. I live for his smile. "But I choose next time!" Grayson announced.

Ethan rolled his eyes. "Whatever you say bro." He chuckled.

   Near the end of the movie, we were all in tears. I noticed that my phone didn't vibrate or anything during the movie. I soon realized that i didn't have it. "Hey James, I'll be right back, I forgot my phone."

   "Okay sister," said James, wiping his eyes.

   I headed to the front door. I lifted my hand up to the knob. Suddenly, the door swung open and hit me smack in the face.

   "what the- ow". My nose was bleeding and I felt a huge bump on my forehead.

   I looked up to see a woman in a pink dress, and black flats. Daniella.

"James! There's a strange woman in your house!" she says. What a little-

James interrupted my thoughts as he and the twins both rush to my side. I was still lying on the floor in pain. My nose was still bleeding. James held my head up, while Grayson went to get a tissue.

"Oh, hey baby," Daniella said, looking past me into Ethan's eyes.

"Hi babe," he said. I want to scratch my eyes out when he said those words.

Ethan looked away from her and took the tissue from Grayson, handing it to me. I held it up to my still bleeding nose. James helped me up to the kitchen and sat me on one of the bar stools.

Ethan and Daniella settled in the living room, Daniella practically on Ethan's lap. I stare at them for a while. I'm not jealous. Just a little annoyed that she doesn't even remember who I am. Along with no apology for breaking my nose in.

After the bleeding stopped, I told Grayson it get me ice for the throbbing bump on my forehead.

"Don't you and Daniella know each other," James asked.

"Knew each other," I corrected. "She doesn't even remember me."

James scoffed. "I don't like her. I have a bad vibe."

"I'm glad someone agrees with me."

Grayson joins the conversation. "So we're all on the same page I see."

We all look over to them. They're too busy with themselves to notice. Okay fine, maybe I was a little jealous. But a little jealousy won't ruin anything, right?

   author's note: please leave a vote if you liked this chapter :) thank you. also even though there was one POV this chapter, I'll add POVs by probably chapter 4!

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