Chapter 2: The Unknown Number

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Emma's POV

It was 11:13 pm. I could either leave and go back to my lonely apartment or stay and watch the love of my life make out with someone else on the sofa. I picked option one.

The recent "Ethma" comments on our videos maybe made him uncomfortable? But to be honest, it made me a little happy, knowing that fans saw something between us too, and that I wasn't the stupid girl hoping for a impossible relationship.

I couldn't say that though, it would ruin our relationship. And publicly humiliate me.

"Bye James, Bye Grayson, Bye Ethan," I said as I made my way outside.

"Bye!" I heard James and Grayson yell in unison. Nothing from Ethan.  I shrugged. Again, too damn busy to say a goodbye or even wave.

I closed the door, and walked to my car. Why did it have to be so hard? I couldn't stand looking at them. I know, I sound like a desperate sixth grader, longing for a boyfriend. But looking at them together just made my heart hurt, big time.

I opened my car door, desperate to leave and forget about it. I drove off, focusing on how long my editing would take. Youtube helped me escape everything. It was like the one place where I could share everything and also have supporters.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. Probably James telling me I forgot something at his house. It was a habit now. I didn't look. I was driving at midnight on Friday. Most car crashes are on Fridays.

When I pulled into my parking lot, I pulled my phone out of my pocket. It wasn't James. It was a Unknown number. They had called me. The digits looked familiar. One of my other friends probably got a new phone or a salesman is trying to sell me Party Sized M&Ms for $60.99 a piece. I'll call it back in the morning.

I collapse on my bed. I instantly close my eyes and fall asleep, too tired for my normal late night Instagram scrolling.

My alarm went off the next morning at 10:00 am. I got up, put on my cropped Champion sweater and jean shorts. I looked at my phone. 3 missed calls from Unknown number.

Confused, I called the number back. They didn't pick up. Whatever. I picked up my computer off my desk and drove to Philz Coffee shop. Editing took hours so might as well enjoy a coffee while it happens.

My phone buzzed for the twentieth time in twenty four hours. Unknown number called back. "Hello?" I said.

It was a female. "Hey, we gotta talk." Probably a teenager pulling a prank.

"Listen, stay away from my man. I saw you eying us with the jealousy in your eyes," she said. Daniella.

"What do you mean? I wasn't eying you." I definitely was.

"Okay whatever you say. But if you even try to touch or even talk romantically, we're gonna have a problem," she said angrily.

"Wait, how did you get this phone number?" I said. She hung up before she could answer.

My eyes started to tear up. I turned my car off and bawled my eyes out in the parking lot for 20 minutes. I leaned my head on the steering wheel. Why did this have to happen? I always get pulled into the random situations that I cant get out of.

I let out a final tear, and drove off to my original destination. I might ask Olivia if she wanted to come. Ethan and I used to hang out here. Things change.

   A red jeep blows a red light, and I almost slammed right into them. "What the hell man!" I yell out the window and honk my horn.

   Today's going great. Just great. I pull into Philz Coffee shop's busy parking lot. They really have the best coffee here. I open iMessage and invite Olivia to stop by.

Me: hey olivia, do u wanna stop by philz and have a coffee? i'm already here and i need to rant haha.

   I slip my phone into my pocket, and walk in the crowded area. Luckily there's a two seated table available. I check my phone.

Olivia: 10 minutes away

   Thank god. At least I'll have a good time once this week. When she gets her, I tell her all about Ethan and Daniella and the obnoxious call she made today.

   Olivia looked at me wide eyed. "That's pretty screwed up man," she said. "She has quite the nerve there."

   "Tell me about it," I say, rolling my eyes, which were still red and puffy from crying.

   "Are you okay?"

   Crap. "Yeah? No? I guess? It just felt like a punch in the stomach," I said. Olivia's the only one that knows I like Ethan. Everyone else would go blab.

   At this point, we've been here for 3 hours, just joking around and editing. Ethan and I used to do that. Probably still could if Daniella wasn't in the picture.

I finish my third coffee and edit my last clip. "Do you wanna go back to my place and watch a movie?" I ask.

"Sure I'll order Chinese food," Olivia said as we walked out of the coffee shop.

We got to my place, watched another 3 hours of Netflix and ate pizza until 1 am. Olivia decided to sleep over so she wouldn't have to drive home with all of the midnight drunks in the highway.

We made a fort downstairs, and watched more Netflix. We fell asleep around 4 am. I woke up to many messages from James.

Sunday, 8:18 am
James: emma! hi!

James: so can you come over around five pm to film a sister squad video?

James: the fans miss it!

James: emmmmaaaa

James: are you up yet?


James: 😑😑😑

There's the over dramatic James I know. I roll my eyes, and start typing.

Sunday, 11:40 am
Me: sorry! olivia slept over! but yeah, i guess we could film a video.

James: okayy! wear something christmas-y

Me: okay? what's the video?

James: we're going to open each other's Christmas gifts! and daniella won't be there, thank goodness.

Me: lol okay see you there!

I dropped my phone on my pillow and forced myself to get up from my warm covers. Ugh, I wish getting up wasn't so hard.

Grabbing my bag, I see my phone light up.

Ethan: are you coming to James's? we need to talk.

Me: yeah i am, and can we talk after the video?

Ethan: sure ig.

I was scared now. Very scared. How the hell was I going to get through this video without wondering what he's going to say?

author's note: hey guys! so i woke up this morning and saw that i had 42 reads in 3 days! thank you guys so much! leave a vote if you liked this chapter.

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