Chapter 4: What We Become

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author's note: hey guys! I'm going to start doing different point of views! so you guys can get different perspectives!

Emma's POV

"Who wants pancakes?" James yelled, trying to sing the words.

"Please, I'm sooo hungry," I say, flying of the fort. My hair was a mess, I forgot to take my messy bun out. Now it was a messy, messy bun. But I knew they wouldn't make fun of me so I didn't care.

Turns out, that I had to make the pancakes, because James took two hours to do his makeup, as usual.

My bump from Daniella was still gave me headaches. I tried to rub it but that made it hurt more.

I used James's coffee machine. It's not as good as mine (surprisingly) but maybe that's because I have a different taste.

   I hear Ethan and Grayson wake up. I guess they smelled the pancakes.

By the time James is done, I realize I probably should go home. "Bye guys!" I say.

"Bye Emma!" James says.

"Bye Em," Grayson says.

Ethan smiles and waves. I grab my keys from my bag. Why is he so damn cute?

Wait, it's Christmas tomorrow! I totally forgot. Why does this happen every year?

I get into my car and drive home to find my wallet for late Christmas shopping. I pull into the parking lot. There was a lot less cars than usual. Everyone was traveling.

As I walked to my apartment, someone was leaning on my door. A familiar face flashed their head straight toward me. It was the one and only- Daniella.

I stopped in my tracks. She walked toward me in her red heels. "Hey," she said with no emotion. I could tell she was angry.

"So Ethan called me, last night," she said. "We broke up. And I believe that it's your fault."

I stood there, not saying a word. She walked up to me and hit me straight in the face, with a swift punch. That's twice she's physically hurt me. Even more verbally.

I fall on the sidewalk. Daniella stood over me, looked at me with her cold eyes. "On the phone call, I specifically said, if you go after Ethan, WE are going to have a problem," she said. As she was walking away, I was stupid enough to say something.

"How did you get my address?" I asked.

She didn't face me. "You should really check if your address is blurred out in your videos." Daniella got in her car and drove away.

I should move out of this apartment. I force myself to get up from the sidewalk. My head is throbbing, I can feel my face heating up.

   I turn my key in the door, and I see my kitchen a mess. I see Olivia didn't wash the dishes.

   It took me 1 hour to wash all the dishes. Guess I'm getting take out tonight. The fridge is empty. It's not like there was much in there anyway.

I'm questioning if I should hang out with anyone? Probably not. Everyone would just questions the second bump on my face.

Ethan's POV

  I'm so hungry. Grayson was out. And I'm just here. Alone. I miss her. Damnit. Emma makes me happy. Do I like her? No. I can't. It would ruin everything.

   I go to my phone, open iMessage, and start texting Emma.

   Me: Hey Em, do you wanna hang out? It's pretty lonely over here lol.

   I definitely shouldn't have done that. Ugh, I'm so stupid! I bury my face in my hands and throw my phone down on my bed.

   I can't stop thinking about last night. Her crying in my arms. I wanted to hold her. I wanted to care for her. Damnit Ethan, shut up!

   Suddenly, my phone buzzes.

   Emma's POV

    I'm scrolling through Instagram when I text from Ethan shows up at the top of my screen. I swipe down.

   Ethan: Hey Em, do you wanna hang out? It's pretty lonely over here lol.

   Oh crap. Again, this was supposed to be a me-day. Oh well. This would be the third time we hung out this week.

   Me: yeah, your place?

   I shut off my phone and close my eyes for 30 seconds. Maybe this would make us closer, hanging out together alone.

   I felt my phone vibrate next to me. I almost dropped it from grabbing it so quickly.

   Ethan's POV

   After I read Emma's message, I send her:

   Me: yes, and Grayson went out so it's just us.

   Emma: yeah obvi haha

Me: can i pick you up in 20?

Emma: yeah ofc haha I could take my own car though

Me: well you aren't wasting any gas haha

   Am I doing this because I want to see what me and Emma can be? As in more than friends?

I was excited to see how this would go, but scared at the same time. She probably didn't like me back. That is if I like her.

There was this little voice in my head, telling me that if I make a move, it'll ruin everything.

But I can't stop think about the night we hugged for a long time. I wanted to stay there. Forever. I felt safe, appreciated. God, she was beautiful.

I'm in love with Emma Chamberlain. In love. The word love was big enough to begin with. But I did. And no one is going to stop that.

I'm gonna pick her up some coffee. Or a postmate would work to. NO, I'm gonna get her some coffee myself, for once.

Emma's POV

   I rushed to the bathroom, got my makeup, and attempted to cover up the red mark on my cheek. I got powder. It mostly covered it up. I'll just keep putting my hand on my cheek the whole time. I stuffed my powder into my small handbag.

After another 5 minutes of panicking, I rush into my closet and pick out high waisted jeans, a lavender crop top, and my white Fila sneakers.

As soon as I ran downstairs to get my coffee machine going, the doorbell rang. Let's hope this powder works.

hey guys! (again) sorry i didn't upload much this week! school's busy as hell.

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