Chapter 3: Lies

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Emma's POV

I pulled up to James's huge house, and Daniella's car wasn't there. Thank god.

After we filmed all of our videos (mine was meeting Santa), it was late. I decided to sleep at James's. It was three days until Christmas, we all decided to upload on Christmas day. That's going to be hard since it takes me two weeks to edit.

   I left Olivia at my house and told her she can raid the fridge, which she did. The twins made a gift opening video. I got Ethan a shirt that matched the red shorts he wears all the time. But since it didn't come in time, I made it myself and it came out pretty good.

     He gave me a hug, I didn't hug back though. I didn't want another angry call from Daniella.

     Ethan got me a coffee machine. A COFFEE MACHINE. He knows me so well. I wanted to launch myself into his arms. But I couldn't, I shouldn't.

   "James!" Ethan called out. "Can we sleep over too?" Great.

   "Yeah of course!" James yelled back from the kitchen.

    "Where are we all gonna sleep?" I ask.

    "In the living room I guess, or we could make a fort in my room," James confirms. My second fort of the week sounds fun.

   I walk into the living room. "Do you guys wanna make a fort?"

   "HELL YEAH," the twins screech like three year olds. I cover my ears, they have incredibly loud voices.

   "Okay then," I say through my laugh. Walking back to the kitchen, someone grabs my arm. I turn around to see Ethan, grasping onto my wrist.

   "Emma, can we talk now?

   He looks me straight in the eyes. Ethan nods to the guest room. I glance at him nervously. He lets go of my wrist and we walk over to the white room full of nothing but a bed and a side table.

   He sits down and pats a spot next to him. I slowly sit down and wait until he says something. "What's up with you and Daniella?" he asks. I freeze.

   "W-What do you mean?" I stutter.

   Ethan sighs. "She said that you took my phone when we were hanging out to get her number and call her. She said that you told her to back off."

   My eyes go wide. "What. The. Hell."  I stand up and rush to the bathroom.

   "Emma!" Ethan calls out. I closed the bathroom door and turned the lock.

    "Don't cry, don't cry," I tell myself. Daniella was so cruel to me and acted like little miss perfect to everyone else.

   "Emma please, is it true?" I hear Ethan whisper to the door.

   "NO, it's the complete opposite," I get up and open the door. My eyes are glistening with tears but not one falls down my face. This week is the worst.

   "What do you mean? The complete opposite?" Ethan says.

   "What do you think it means Ethan? Daniella called ME, she told ME to back off, because I was "eying" you guys. She went into to your phone to get MY number."

   "Daniella wouldn't do that."

   "Oh and I would?" I say. I could see the hurt in his eyes but i kept going. "Hm? Plus, how would I even get into your phone? I don't know your password, Daniella does. And you don't know her like I do." I feel a tear stroll down my cheek.

   Ethan looks silently at the ground, so I continue. "She used to make fun of me in high school. Commented on all my youtube videos, disliked them all, made fun of my clothes, you name it. Daniella RUINED my life. But of course, she didn't tell you that, did she? Daniella is all looks. That's why you didn't see." I feel myself crying, a lot. I sit down on the bed and place my head in my hands.

   Ethan heard my sobs. He looked up. "Oh my gosh Emma, I'm sorry," he says, pulling me into his chest. I wrap my arms around him, desperate for some sympathy.  He whispers "I'm sorry," and "it's going to be okay." But it's not going to be okay.

   We stay like this for 20 minutes. I cried for most of it. James and Grayson knock on the door. "Everything okay in there?" Grayson says. They probably assumed we were making out or something.

"Nightmare before Christmas is on!" James yells. My eyes light up. It's my favorite Christmas movie. I look at Ethan. He laughs, gets up with his arm around me (but in a friend way I guess?) and we walk to the living room.

He sits next to me the whole time with his arm resting behind me on the couch. It wasn't in a romantic way. I think. He just wanted me to know that he was here for me.

Ethan was on his phone for half of it, so he didn't notice me blushing. At one point, he left to make a phone call.

   After the movie, Ethan and I go to get blankets for the fort in James's room. James's room is like, awesome. Just like his life.

"James..." I say. "I have a concern for the fort."

"Yes?" he says as he wipes off his makeup.

"Since we are making the fort by the fire place, aren't the blankets gonna catch a flame?"

"I don't know, maybe go throw some in there and see what happens."

"Okay." I grab some blankets and jokingly swing them by the fire.


My stomach hurt from me laughing so much. So did the twins. James scoffed but ended up laughing in the end.

We stayed up until 3 am (I'm not getting a lot of sleep this week), and after James and Grayson were asleep, Ethan and I just laid there in silence.

   "So how's the youtube channel?" I ask, breaking the tension.

   "It's doing fairly well. New subscribers every month. Yours?" Ethan asks.

   "It's doing alright. I mean, I have lots of fan accounts." I laugh.

   There was a long silence. Ethan sat up, leaned on his elbow and turned to me. "I broke up with Daniella."

   My eyes go wide. I sit up too and face him. "Oh my gosh, E. You didn't have to do that."

   "You're my best friend. And she hurt you. I had to do it."

   That's not the word I wanted.


   And it'll probably be nothing more than that. I want to say I love you and please never leave me, but I can't.

   I give him a hug, and say good night, turning away from him. I feel a hand pat my shoulder. I kinda blush, thank goodness I was looking the other way.

   My eyes flickered shut, I had a peaceful sleep that night. But I didn't know, what was waiting for me the next day.

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