She Says She's No Good With Words But I'm Worse

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making little or no noise.

"the car has a quiet, economical engine"

synonyms:silent, still, hushed, noiseless, soundless

He's just quiet. That's what George Ryan Ross' mother had said to his worrying grandmother when he was 2 years old and still hadn't spoken a word. Sadly, Danielle didn't live long enough to hear her son utter his first word. One night his biological father had gone out with friends and gotten drunk. He'd heard false rumours that his ex girfriend had gotten with someone else so in an insane rage the only thought running through his head was, If I can't have her, no one can, he murdered her and passed out on the bloodied kitchen tiles. Tiny Ryan still asleep, upstairs.

The words still applied, Ryan really was just quiet. Hardly anyone had heard him speak, the entire school assumed he couldn't. It was oddly relaxing to be a mute. You seemed to fade back out of existence, nobody noticed you were there, the secrets you heard because you were practically invisible were scary. Like how Lindsey Bellato had a pain kink, which really wasn't that surprising based off clique she was in, or how her boyfriend, Gerard Way, had a kinky sex dungeon that would beat that room from Fifty Shades Of Grey in a fight.

But now he wasn't in the back of the Art classroom as Frank Iero sharpied on the tattoos he wanted but wasn't allowed to get, Ryan was in a much more difficult position. The dining room table, as his Aunt served him breakfast.

"Did you have a good sleep, Ryan?"

He knew he didn't have to answer. Karen had reassured him since he was little that if he didn't feel like speaking he didn't have to but that didn't stop the wave of self disappointment that flowed through him when he couldn't respond. Why wasn't he normal?!!

He gave a slight, disinterested nod. It was better to hide his emotions because his struggling would only lead to more conversation, which would lead to more struggling. It was a never ending cycle of Ryan struggling, fun.

Karen smiled as she placed some cornflakes in front of the 15 year old, no matter how many times Ryan showed her he could make cereal himself she still did it. Maybe it was a motherly thing, Ryan didn't quite understand but he was grateful that somebody wanted him around, even if it was just to make him cereal.

"So, it's a awkward question but there's this girl working with me in the nursing ward and she's around your age and she's single an-"


It was just one word, a simple word, a small croak that could be easily ignored but Karen's eyes went wide as she stopped babbling and stared in shock at her nephew.

"B-boys? I was talking about a girl," Karen frowned, not quite getting what he meant.

Ryan sighed in annoyance, he could never seem to be able to get his point across, not talking made everything so much more difficult. The only word that came to his mind was the insulting slur that he heard used in those gossiping circles he found himself overhearing.


That was a much more controversial word, a word that was hard to ignore. Karen treated it in the same way she had the first.

"You're gay?" Karen said softly, Ryan looked down, embarrassed, "Sweetie, that's fine but...well, there's just one thing..."

Ryan looked up at his aunt, what was she going to do, he'd heard stories of children being disowned, was he going to an orphan again?

"There aren't any young male nurses at my work," Karen huffed in disappointment.

Ryan's lips twitched their way into a barely existing smile.

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