Slow Motion, See Me Let Go

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laugh lightly and repeatedly in a silly way, from amusement, nervousness, or embarrassment
Ryan giggled excitedly and Brendon smiled lovingly at him. Ryan was chatting about some T.V show Brendon had put on for him the other day while Karen was out. Thank Jesus that Ryan's house had internet, because Brendon didn't have enough data to entertain the small boy.

"An' then the puppies saved all the peoples," Ryan exclaimed, jumping around, seemingly unable to keep still.

Brendon just hoped he would use that energy to continue walking to school.

Brendon had come to the realisation the Ryan spoke a lot when in littlespace. It was like there was no time delay from his thoughts and his mouth. It perplexed Brendon how different Ryan was when little from when he was big.

"That sounds great, baby," Brendon chuckled at how adorable Ryan was being.

"Did 'ou see 'em!" Ryan asked with large brown eyes, "Did 'ou, Da-"

"Ugh, hey guys."

Brendon felt his heart fall to the floor,  Ryan was just about to call him Daddy for the first time and whoever this person was just ruined it.

"Dally!" Ryan exclaimed loudly.

It was Dallon obviously, Brendon sighed, Ryan was fond of Dallon and Dallon had been kind to them. The raven haired boy huffed and turned to the two.

Dallon looked shocked by the smaller boys exclamation. Brendon hoped Dallon wouldn't call Ryan out for acting childish, the boy was already anxious about his headspace. He didn't need to be judged.

"Baby, use your quiet voice," Brendon told the little but Ryan ignored him and flung himself at Dallon, wrapping his arms around the jock.

"But we's outside, Brenny," Ryan giggled, "You's silly."

Dallon looked at Brendon with a raised brow, letting the younger latch onto him.

"Ryan, c'mon, bud, you're squeezing the life out of Dallon," Brendon sighed, Ryan really wasn't but Dallon didn't need the confusion.

"No I'm not," Ryan exclaimed, "He's big and strong."

"Hey, buddy, I'm sure Bren's getting really sad," Dallon said softly to the small boy, it was Brendon's turn to raise a brow, "You're giving me all of this love and attention but he's isn't getting any."

"Daddy's sad?" Ryan whimpered, looking up at the extremely tall boy.

Brendon felt his heart soar at the title he'd been giving and if it weren't for the fact that Ryan had said it in front of someone else who may judge him Brendon would have been peppering the little boy's face with kisses by now.

Dallon nodded, "And we can't have your Daddy sad can we? We want him happy, just like you."

Ryan jumped back from Dallon and jumped back into Brendon's arms.

"Sowwy Daddy, di'nt mean to make 'ous sad!" Ryan exclaimed.

"Don't worry, Prince, I forgive you," Brendon rubbed Ryan's back softly.

"I'm not a gonna act like I understand anything what's going on," Dallon raised his hands in the air as Brendon's attention turned back to him, "I'm not gonna be an asshole about anything, it doesn't seem sexual but even if it is, it's your business not mine. I'm not gonna judge or tell anyone."

"Thanks," Brendon said sincerely, shocking Dallon a touch, Brendon was hardly ever serious, "You're an alright guy, Weekes."

Dallon felt a blush rise up on his cheeks and he looked down to the ground for a bit before looking back up to Brendon.

"Just gonna say, Ryan's acting pretty cute, am I allowed to ask why?" Dallon questioned.

"Daddy, uppies," Ryan said softly, "I's sweepy."

"Only for a little bit, baby boy," Brendon murmured to his little, "We have school remember."

Ryan nodded into Brendon's chest and the Daddy lifted the boy into his arms. Brendon made a sound of discomfort as he shifted Ryan, trying to make it easier for him to carry the boy.

"It's called age regression," Brendon said, deciding to trust the older male, "Ryan falls into headspace of a little kid and I look after him, it's not sexual for us, it's stress relieving."

Dallon nodded, taking the information in.

"Is he gonna be alright for school," Dallon frowned.

"He'll have to age up when we get there," Brendon sighed, the little boy nodding off in his arms, "I have Drama first, he has Biology."

"I have biology with him," Dallon announced, "I'll look out for him, make sure nobody messes with him."

Brendon's eyes widened because of the offer. He hadn't expected Dallon to be so supportive.

"I had my doubts about you," Brendon nodded to the jock, "But you're a good friend to us, I hope that doesn't change."

"It won't."

1. Take your vitamins

2. Don't ever forget the ! In Panic! At the disco (I will fight you)

3. Stream Turbulent

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