Character Ask - Answers

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1. Why does Ryan struggle speaking when big?

A/n It's a mixture of trauma and anxiety. When he's little he can let go of all of that and that's why he can speak. He's also just used to not speaking, the only full sentence he's ever spoken was while in littlespace.

2. Why can't Ryan just learn sign language or write what he wants to say? It would make things a lot easier?

A/n It's the general communication thing that stresses him out. Though, once he gets close enough with someone he's able to text them a little bit.

3. Are you planning on telling Brendon how you feel about Dallon? Or are you going to try and hide it?

I don't wanna lie to Brendon...but maybe if I just keep trying to push my feelings for Dallon aside they'll go away.

Dallon -

1. Do you like both Ryan and Brendon?
What! I-i-i have a girlfriend! And I'm straight, I'm really straight, like a board or a ruler. N-not that I'm against anything like that, just be you, y'know. I just feel sorry for them, Brendon's constantly bullied for being gay, or whatever he is, and it's such a shame because he seems like a really lovely guy. I mean, nice, uh, cool, yeah cool Brendon seems cool. And Ryan's super cute and swee- sick, he's sick, super sick guy. Cool guys, uh, yeah.

2. How does Dallon feel about Ryan and Brendon, and does he feel left out?

I think it's really brave of them to feel comfortable enough to be openly gay to the school. Honestly, it might end up hurting them...I wanna help them but would that ruin my reputation? I don't even know...I already sat with in class so Frank's kinda Left out? Um..I'm not too sure what you mean by that..when I look at them I guess I feel a bit sad...Brendon obviously cares for Ryan so much, I wish Breezy would look at me the same way they look at each other. I wish Breezy would realise I'm not okay.


1. Brendon, do you like Dallon at all like you do Ryan?

Is this because I like guys? Because I'm really sick of people assuming I like everyone I hang out with because I'm Pan. Dallon seems an alright guy and I wouldn't mind being closer friends with him but the way I feel about Ryan is just for him, no one else.


Why are you weirdly cute?

It's not weird to find me cute, everyone thinks I'm cute. I am cute. I am the cutest.

Hi, you're an awesome carrot. It must've hurt being thrown.

It did hurt but I am both an awesome and strong carrot, I have healed. Thank you for being the first to make a comment on my awesomeness, I do try very hard to maintain it.


What were you drinking that looked like orange juice but definitely wasn't?

H-how do you know about that? H-how old are you, I'm guessing your young...I don't think...It was orange juice.

Do you know what littles are/how do you feel about littles?

I've looked after some patients that were littles, they seem very sweet and cute and it obviously helps them to function properly when outside of littlespace. I don't really have an opinion, I guess I think they're cute?


Why are you an asshole?

What did you just call me?! You know I could make you bleed, do you go to my school? I'll fucking find you, you'll fucking pay. Asshole, I'm not an asshole.

Die please.

I could return the favour by knocking your brains out.

Did something happen to you that made you this way?

I- uh, made me what way? I'm fine okay, I'm great, nothing happened. Back off, okay. Trust me I'm okay. I promise.


Why can't you be nicer?

I am nice, I got an A for behaviour in gym class last term, until that new teacher came along. Stupid Mr Dun, he thinks that I'm rude, well, I think he's rude! Whenever I try talking to him he's always talking to that fucking weirdo Tyler, all I was trying to do was get a better gra- I mean, be polite, I was trying to be polite.

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