Dammit, If You Fuck Me Over, I Will Rip Your Fucking Face Apart

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producing or capable of producing much noise.

"they were kept awake by loud music"

synonyms:noisy, blaring, booming,

Two girls sat in front of Dallon and Ryan, chitter-chattering away, being extremely loud. What they didn't understand, every time they let a 'bad word' slip, Ryan would flinch and become quite uncomfortable.

"Lindsey, how do you do it," The brunette of the two girls sighed, "Gerard does literally anything you want, Frank doesn't even look at me when I talk to him."

"Well, you're just sleeping with Frank, he doesn't actually like you," The raven haired girl, Lindsey, said.

"Excuse me, you guys are being really loud," Dallon said awkwardly to the girls in front of him as Ryan gazed at him, "Could you please be a bit quieter?"

"Oh, I'm so sorry," The brunettes eyes went wide, horrified that she may have made someone upset, "I wasn't meani-"

"Shut up, Jamia," Lindsey snapped, her pretty face contorting into a scowl, "Is it possible for you to not be a pushover for, like, five seconds. Jock boy, just because you've got Breezy on her knees doesnt mean we're expected to do the same. You got a lotta leg but not a lotta brain."

Ryan shied away from the popular girl's harsh tone, he let put a soft whimper. Dallon quickly turned to him, making sure the little boy wasn't hurt.

"What's his problem?"

The brunette girl with the soft brown eyes, who Dallon was pretty sure was called Jamia mouthed a sheepish sorry to the two boys. He nodded at her and she slackened in relief, she seemed to be quite the people pleaser.

"D-Dally?" Ryan stuttered out, patting softly on the tall males bicep.

"What is it, Buddy?" Dallon smiled, giving the small boy his full attention.

"Nuffin'," Ryan giggled bashfully, his eyes flicking away as he blushed furiously.

Dallon chuckled at the boy he was babysitting's actions but tried to return his focus on the board so he could continue taking his notes, Ryan would need them later. Every minute or so he would take a glimpse of the mentally tiny boy just to make he was still completely and utterly entranced by the piece of scrap paper that Dallon had gifted him to draw on.

"When's I get to see my-"

"In 15 more minutes, Ry," Dallon had cut the boy off because he knew, no matter how quiet Ryan were to utter the title, someone would most definitely hear him say Daddy.

A melodic ping went off through the classroom and all of the students immediately identified it as someone receiving a text.

"Jamia, you know better than to not leave your phone on silent," Mr Stump sighed turning from the board.

"S-sorry, sir," Jamia exclaimed in a high fearful tone, she was obviously mortified that her phone had gone off.

"Its completely fine, Jamia," The teacher's eyes softened as he realised how uncomfortable he'd made the girl by calling her out, "Just make sure it doesn't happen again."

She nodded furiously, looking down in submission.

"Jamia in twouble?" Ryan frowned, taking sudden interest in his peers wellbeing.

"No, Ry, she's not in trouble," Dallon laughed breathily, shaking his head softly.

Ryan's eyes went wide as his jaw dropped, he leant forward and took one of his friend's much larger hands.

"Again!" Ryan demanded with a wide smile, his honey eyes sparkling in excitement.

"Again? Do what again?" Dallon was confused.

"Be pwetty."

"Do you really think he's just fucking me and nothing else, Lindz?" Jamia said unsurely, like she was finally taking Lindsey's opinion to heart.

"It's obvious," Lindsey snapped, Dallon could practically feel her eyeroll being released into the universe, "How many times do I need to explain it to you, Jamz, you're so naive."

"Y-yeah...I guess I am," Jamia sniffled, pulling her hair over her face and turning to the window.

Ryan suddenly stared at the board with a thoughtful frown. Dallon took the other brunette male's moment of perplexion to think about what Ryan just asked him to do. To be 'pretty'. Did Ryan think he was pretty?

For some reason the boy's opinion on his appearance meant more than it should. The comment shouldn't have made Dallon's heart ache, it shouldn't have made his eyes drift to the honey eyed boy's lips.

Ryan turned back to him and raised a brow and looked up at the board and his eyes widened. Something about his mental state had obviously changed. He quickly scrambled to unzip his bag and pull out his biology book to take down the class' notes.

"Hey, hey, Ry, calm down," Dallon leaned across to touch the boy's slender shoulder, "You can borrow my notes and copy them down tonight, I've got you."

Ryan slumped down in what Dallon assumed was relief and then tense up again. He turned around slowly and stared at Dallon's chest, eyes timidly rising. They reached Dallon's face and quickly fell to the floor.

"Hey, I'm guessing you're not a kid right now, yeah?" Dallon urged the boy to communicate with him in some way.

Ryan nodded, still extremely interested in the tiles.

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about, you behaved and I wasn't weirded out," Dallon promised, removing his hand from the skitterish teen's shoulder, "I like y- liked looking after you."

If 3 Is A Crowd, Call Me An ExtrovertDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora