He's Not Around, He's Always Looking At Men

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faggot noun
 \ ˈfa-gət  \

Used as an insulting and contemptuous term for a male homosexual

   "People at church stopped talking to      him; he started hearing the word "faggot" in the hallways at school.

Faggot. That was scrawled out in an familiar handwriting on Brendon Urie's blue locker, at least it had been blue until someone had decided to spray paint it pink. The writing was in what looked like sharpie ink which wasn't too uncommon but Ryan's mind instantly jumped too Frank Iero.

Ryan made his way over to his own locker, trying to raise any suspicions that he was gay. He couldn't imagine ever being in the same position as Brendon, and he was God awfully afraid of it. He opened his locker quietly, looking around to see if anyone had noticed that he was there, they hadn't, nobody noticed him.

He was about turn around when he noticed Brendon Urie enter the school halls, so did everyone else, the entire student body turned to look at him but the brunette's eyes were on his locker with an angry but unsurprised glare.

Ryan's stomach dropped to the floor below him from just imagining himself in Brendon's place and not just simply beside him.

Brendon walked over and stood next to him, taking deep breaths in an obvious attempt to try and calm down.

"Hey, Ryan," He breathed.

Out of everyone in the whole school, Brendon was the only person to ever hear his voice. On the first day of the year he'd mistakenly called Ryan by his first name, Ryan had instantly corrected him with just one word and Brendon had understood. It was nice to have someone understand you for once.

"Am I going to hear your pretty voice today?" Brendon smirked.

Part of Ryan wanted to at least say hello to the only person he'd actually communicated (apart from his aunt) for the first time in forever but he also didn't want anyone assuming that he was gay. He wished he wasn't pretty odd, that he didn't care, just like everyone else.

Brendon's eyes gazed at him with concern, his plump lips pursed. Brendon was looking at him in pity and his made Ryan internally shudder.

He tried to hide his feelings behind an eyeroll but it was too late, for one moment Brendon had got a glimpse into Ryan's mind and Ryan didn't want anyone looking in there.

Brendon seemed to let him push it off, which Ryan was grateful for.

"I didn't think so," Brendon gave a chuckle, "And you know why?"

Ryan tilted his head to the side and Brendon leant in a touch closer.

"Because I am a fortune teller," The brunette announced dramatically, "I had a vi-"

Brendon suddenly went stiff, something clattered against the hall's floor and Brendon turned around slowly and froze. Ryan leant around the other boy and saw the object that must of hit Brendon's back. It was a carrot. His eyes moved upwards and he froze as well.

Ryan whimpered and Brendon turned around to gaze at him with soft concerned eyes, "Ry-"

"I got you a present, faggot," Frank sneered, gesturing to the carrot, "Maybe you can shove it up your asshole?"

"I don't use second hand toys," Brendon snarled back.

Ryan knew something bad was going to happen, he abandoned his books and began shuffling extremely slowly to avoid detection.

Frank took a step forward and shoved Brendon. That was all it took for a fight to break out. Ryan found himself being shoved out of the way by Brendon in an attempt to keep him out of the fight.

Ryan found himself leaning against a locker on the other side of the hall, his eyes firmly shut, not wanting to look up. He knew Brendon was going to lose, even though Brendon was a good 3 inches taller than Frank it was obvious Frank was going to win. He was like a miniature version of the Greek Minotaur.

"Are you going to join in?"

Ryan knew that voice, it was one he associated with a very important boy. A voice he wished didn't exist.

Breezy Douglas.

"Frank looks like he's got it covered."

Ryan smiled.

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