I'm Just The Boy Using Too Many Chances

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anxiety; worry.

"Carole gazed at her with concern"

synonyms:anxiety, worry, disquiet, disquietude, apprehension, apprehensiveness, unease, uneasiness, perturbation, consternation, distress, agitation;

Concern. That's what Brendon's soft doe eyes were full of before they got the corner where everyone would see them.

"I can go first if you want," Brendon sighed, "I won't speak to you away from the lockers, we can pretend."

Dallon stood awkwardly over by a bush, not wanting to intrude on the two's conversation.

"This dumbass won't say anything right?"

"I'm not an asshole," Dallon sighed, sitting on a conveniently placed tree branch, "I won't out you guys to the school."

"Aparently you're  enough of a dumbass to willingly be friends with Frank Iero," Brendon snapped back.

"Hey, he's really not that bad," Dallon exclaimed.

"Except for the drugs and sexism, he's racist too isn't he?" Brendon tilted his head to the side, with wide mocking innocent eyes, "And dare I mention the fact he beats me up everyday because he thinks I'm gay."

"But you are gay?" Dallon looked over at Ryan and back to Brendon, "Aren't you?"

"How does everyone forget that once upon a time I had a girlfriend," Brendon facepalmed.

"So, you're half gay?" Dallon tilted his head to the side.

"I really don't want to go into explanation, dumbass," Brendon sighed, "but know that you are entirely wrong."

Dallon nodded in slight confusion and returned to his own thoughts from his tree branch.

"But no one has to know," Brendon grasped Ryan's much softer hands.

Ryan thought about it, he remembered how Brendon had reacted when he'd freaked out earlier. He knew that Brendon would protect him and he didn't want to let Brendon down, what if Brendon wanted people to know?

Ryan didn't want to hide their relationship but he didn't want to flaunt it either. Ryan's lips opened but nothing came out of them.

"Fuck, I'm sorry," Brendon sighed, he turned around for a moment and Ryan felt himself shatter.

Brendon probably didn't want him anyway, this was probably some sick joke. Yeah, that was probably why Dallon was here, Frank was about to jump out of somewhere an-

"Nod if you wanna hide it," Brendon said, Brendon acted like he expected the first, did he want the first, "Shake your head i-if you don't."

Brendon's voice broke, Ryan looked up into his new lover's deep brown eyes. Insecurities and fears dashed through them on his plump lips that he was biting down on to stop them from trembling. Brendon wanted to show people, Ryan realised, but he must've been terrified of the consequences.

Ryan shook his head, and he heard a quiet clap coming from the right. It was Dallon, his lips in a proud smile, he was clapping quietly like he couldn't help it.

"Y-you mean it?" A giant smile erupted across the other boy's face, "You really mean it, Baby? I c-can talk to you, and hold your hand - unless you don't like that much PDA-"

"Brendon, I think he meant it," Dallon gave a small chuckle.

"Shut up, Dumbass," Brendon pouted, seemingly not amused that Dallon had interrupted his rambling.

Ryan told Brendon to shut up. With his lips. It was just a quick peck But he made Brendon all flustered and blushy. And they walked into the school grounds hand-in-hand.

If 3 Is A Crowd, Call Me An ExtrovertOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora