I Can't Control Myself, Because I Don't Know How

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giving pleasure or satisfaction; pleasant or attractive.

"we had a very nice time"

synonyms: enjoyable, pleasant, pleasurable, agreeable, delightful, satisfying, gratifying, acceptable, to one's liking, entertaining, amusing, diverting, marvellous, good;

Nice. Kissing Brendon was nice, Ryan felt fuzzy, it was nice. Brendon's lips were soft and tasted an awful like beer but Ryan didn't ask.

Brendon pulled back with a smile on his plump lips, "I like you, Ryan, God, I really like you. I have for a while."

Ryan wanted to say it back, he opened his mouth but the words didn't come. He looked down, it was like a stab in the heart. His eyes started to water.

"Oh, Ry," Brendon cooed, placing a finger under the other boys chin, "Its fine, you don't have to speak."

Looking up at Brendon, Ryan felt himself grow perplexed. It shocked him how quickly you could have a new perspective of someone. He'd never noticed how beautiful Brendon really was. The other brunette's lips were hung open, he was panting, his cheeks flushed.

Ryan reached up to cup Brendon's face, thankful they were pretty much the same height. Ryan looked straight into the other boys eyes and Brendon smiled widely, Ryan hoped this meant that Brendon had seen the emotion in his eyes.

"Ryan," He sighed softly.

Even covered in bruises, Ryan found Brendon attractive.

"Can we just...lie down," Brendon murmured, "I'm tired, Ry."

Ryan nodded, leading the other boy to bed. Brendon was quick to collapse into it. Ryan slowly got in next to him, reaching over to check his phone, it was 2:30 am, no wonder it was dark outside. His aunt would be home by 5,  Ryan had at least 2 and a half hours before his aunt went into fangirl mode.

"Ryro?" Brendon murmured, hands softly brushed Ryan's back.

Ryan noticed that Brendon said his name an awful lot. He understood why Brendon seemed to like it when Ryan said his name.

Ryan turned to face the other boy.

"Are we together now?" Brendon yawned, rubbing his eyes, "Can we be together?"

"B-brendon," Ryan murmured softly.

"Did you just say my name," Brendon whispered.

"Brendon," Ryan sighed,

"That's my name," Brendon smiled lazily, "You say it way better than everyone else, does that mean you'll be my boyfriend?"

"Brendon," Ryan said one more time before letting his eyes flutter shut.

"I'll take that as a yes then," Brendon pulled Ryan into his arms and drifted off to sleep with his new boyfriend.

Ryan didn't want to open his eyes, he didn't want to pull himself out of the fantastic dream he'd had the night before. Something cluttered to the floor and Ryan rolled over, giving a soft groan.

"Ryan? Why does your boyfriend have a carrot in his bag?"

Ryan shot up from the bed to see his aunt bending over Brendon's bag, holding a carrot in confusion.

Brendon groaned, grabbing Ryan's waist, pulling the other boy back to him.

"I swear I wasn't watching you guys," Karen tried to move to a position where Ryan could actually see her, but that proved impossible as Brendon had made it so Ryan's face was smothered in his chest, "I just came in to pack your lunch before I went to bed! I saw him and his bag and I thought I should pack him lunch too."

"Ryan," Brendon murmured softly, starting to wake up.

Ryan was confused, what the Hell was going on. Brendon must of woken up fully and realised that he'd trapped Ryan into his chest and was slowly suffocating the other boy to death, at least that's what Ryan assumed when he felt the arm pinning him to Brendon disappear and the bed shift.

"Oh, Mrs-"

"Karen, call me Karen," Ryan sat up to see Brendon looking like a deer caught in headlights.

"Karen, I swear nothing happened, we were just sleeping, I promise," Brendon stumbled over his words, trying to explain the situation that Karen had walked into.

"Oh, I know that," Karen rolled her eyes, "You're teenage boys, you wouldn't of had the motivation to put your clothes back on."

Brendon was speechless.

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