Harsh Past Needs To Be Let Behind:A New Start

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  "Sir, I am a member of BTS." I replied calmly."I don't believe you. You came dressed like that?" he asked. "Sorry sir, but I was out not long ago and forgot to go back home and change." I replied trying to be calm. "How am I sure you are not just a hater or a crazy fan?" he asked looking up and dowm at me. "Me!? A crazy fan or a hater!?" I yelled at him, I clenched my fists until my knucles turned white. He was taken a back. "Do you even know who you are talking to!? You need to learn manners!? If these are the kind of people that are going to be my bodyguards then I'm gonna quit before we even debut!?" I yelled at his face. He looked at me surprised but with fear in his eyes as well.

"What's the matter hyung-min?" I heard a familiar voice. "This crazy lady is yelling at me claiming to be a part of your band." he replied calmly. "Hey, who are you calling crazy, you started yelling at me first."I stated with anger in my voice. "See?" he said pointing at me. I just rolled my eyes. "And she's giving me attitude." he added. I heard footsteps coming closer to where we were standing. I felt a hand on my shoulder, I turned around. "Yoongi Oppa."I said when I faced him. "Ah, yes she is our member."he said looking at the security guard. I just smiled. "See, what did I tell you." I stated. "Jihee, say sorry to the the guard." Yoongi said in a sterm manner. "I'm sorry for my bad temper a while ago." I apologized and bowed. "Don't worry,I shouldn't of jumped to conclusions right away." he apologized as well and bowed. "Ok, so now. Jihee you have to control your temper." Yoongi stated."I'm trying Oppa. I'm just used to defending myself like that." I replied. They both looked at me surprised.

  "What do you mean that you're used to it?" Yoongi asked. "Well, I hang out with this group of friends, actually four guys to be exact(I used a reference here from a drama). I used to live in Shangai that was when my parents left me there and came back to Korea. So while I was there they took me in and thier induvidual parents raised me along side with them and now they are all rich and so am I because they put me under their savings so their money is my money as well.But anyways, they teached me how to defend myself when we were all young, so when someone tries to harass me or just starts screaming at me for no reason, I just do the same to them and sometimes it ends up into a physical fight."I replied looking down. "So what you're saying is that you and your group of friends are like a gang that get into fights?" the guard asked. "Yeah kind of." I replied sincerly."Don't worry Jihee, I was like that when I was little. I can help you control your temper."Yoongi said calmly.I just nodded.

Yoongi and I left to the practice room on the 6th floor. "There you guys are!" Namjoon yelled from across the room.I giggled and Yoongi just nodded. "What took you so long Noona?"Jungkook asked."Oh nothing Kookie."I told him with a nickname."Okay listen up everyone."we all turned around and saw the manager. "We need to decide who the leader will be, main vocalists,main rappers,main dancers and the sub rappers and vocalists."Manager-min stated. "Alright."we all said in unison. After many test and sessions, they finally decided on the parts."Okay,the leader is Namjoon,main vocalists are Jimin, Taehyung, Seokjin,Jungkook and Jihee, main rappers are Namjoon,Yoongi and Hoseok, main dancers are Hoseok, Jimin, Jungkook and Jihee, the sub rappers are Jihee and Jungkook and lastly the sub vocalists are Hoseok and Namjoon."Manager-min listed.We all cheered.I saw Yoongi was a bit sad."What's wrong Oppa?"I asked him sitting next to him. "I wanted to be a sub vocalists too."he replied with a pout."Oh.Manager-min!" I yelled from across the room. "Yes?"he asked.I went to where he was standing."Can Yoongi Oppa be a sub vocalists too?"I asked him with puppy eyes."Yeah sure."I smiled and ran towards Yoongi."You are now a sub vocalists."I told him. His eyes lit up with happiness.He got up and hugged me, I hugged him back.

"Hey. We need to decide our stage names."I said once we where in our dorm."True."Namjoon replied."Oh I have mine."Hoseok said. We all looked at him."It's going to be, J-Hope."he added with a huge smile on his face. "Why J-Hope?" I asked. "Because I'm your hope."he replied.I smiled at his sillines. "Okay mine will be Suga."Yoongi stated. "Mine will be K.J"I said. We all said our stage names and started working on our debut song right away.While I was busy on my laptop seeing what kind of clothes we should wear for the MV and photoshoot so our stylists can buy them or us, Jungkook came and sat next to me. "What are you doing Noona?"he asked. "Looking for clothes."I replied not looking at him."For what?'he asked again."For our debut."I replied scrolling through the website I was on."Oh okay."he said and left. I kept on looking and started to get ideas of what each one of us would wear. I knew what I was going to wear so I choose my outfit first. I started looking for clothes for the boys, I just needed to know what they would want to wear.So, I went around and asked each member what kind of bad school kid outfits they would wear.

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