Not Done Yet!?

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"Noona?"I heard Jungkook ask from a far.I turned around and saw all of them with a worried expression. That was when I finally relaxed, my adrenaline went down and my heart beat slowed down."Hey guys."I said cheerfuly with a big smile. I was exhausted so I fell down to the floor,my back hit the wall and I winced in pain."Jihee!" they all yelled in unison and ran towards me. "I'm fine, don't worry."I reassured them. I saw how their eyes were all watery.These boys care for me to much already, I thought to myself as I smiled. I saw Jin taking out his phone."No."I told him, he put his phone down. "We need to call the police and the ambulence."he replied. "No, please don't, I don't want to go to the hospital, not again."I told him, my voice was shaky.

They all looked at each other worriedly. "Why not again?"Namjoon asked."I've been there once for the same thing, getting beaten up and for other reasons as well."I replied my own eyes getting watery. They all started to ask me for what other reasons. "I saw my friend's sister pass away in a hospital bed. I've never been to another hospital ever since that day. I don't go to doctor's appointments or go anywhere that has to do with doctors and nurses."I told them as I started to cry. They all loked at each other with confused yet sad expressions.They all turned and looked at me.When They saw I started to cry they all went down on their knees next to me."Zhuang! Why did you have to leave me and the boys all alone?! We need you!You left without saying anything to us!We still needed to do so may things together!All of this is your mothers fault!Why!?" I yelled out of the blue and into the air. More tears started to stream down my face."Your mother will pay for what she made her bodyguards do to you!I'll be sure to make her suffer like you did!I miss you!I need you and so do the boys, we need you more than anything right now!"I kept on yelling out loud as I cried even harder. 

I looked at the boys who were now crying as well.Jimin and Yoongi hugged me tightly but not that hard.I gave them a weak yet sincere smile and that was when I passed out. Everything went from light to dark in a second.Even though I was out cold, I could feel my head throbing.I woke up in my room.I started to feel pain all over my body, I couldn't move."Ugh."I said out in pain and annoyance."She's awake."Jimin said, as the others came into the room."What happened?"I asked out of the blue."Well, you got in a fight with a few guys and passed out."Taehyung explained."Oh yeah, now I remember. Where is are they now, I wasn't done with them yet!?"I blurted out as I started to get up."No, wait you have to heal first."Jin said as he was trying to lay me back down. I still got up, they were all surprised that I wasn't wincing in pain or screaming.They all looked at each other wide eyed.I looked back at them,"What's with the faces?"I asked as I let out a small giggle."Nothing."they all replied in unison.I left the room and went to go get something to eat.

I made myself some ramen and got a glass of juice.I started to eat and the boys soon joined me in my meal."Alright, I'm gonna go shower."I said as I got up.They just nodded, and I left to the bathroom. After I took a shower, I put on my pj's. I wore an oversized shirt that I stole from Taehyung and a pair of shorts, of my own of course.I got out of the room and saw the boys watching tv."Hey, Jin Oppa, where is the first aid kit?"I asked him. "On top of the counter in the bathroom."he replied pointing towards the bathroom. I went back in and checked around, until I found it. It was up high and I couldn't reach it."Short people problems."I murmured under my breath as I tried to reach it.Taehyung walked in to wash his face.

Word Count:702

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