Ch. 10 Please Stay

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Rachel POV
As Danny is driving me home, I feel a really strong connection. It's so strong that I can't ignore it.
Once we got to my house, Danny walked me to my door.

Rachel: Thanks for bringing me home.
Danny: Of course, I had to make sure you get home safely.

Awkward silence again. Why?

Danny: So I guess this is good night.


Rachel: I guess so.

I honestly don't want him to leave.

Rachel: Danny, wait.
Danny: Yes.
Rachel: Please, stay.
Danny: Are you sure?
Rachel: Yes.

My heart was racing so fast as we went inside my house.

Danny: Nice place.
Rachel: Thanks. Would you like to sit down?
Danny: Sure.

So we go to my couch and sat down. I can't believe that he's in my house.

Danny POV
I could tell something was on her mind.

Danny: Are you okay Rachel?
Rachel: Yeah why?
Danny: You seem tense and something must be on your mind.
Rachel: Ummmm....I—I—ummm.

Rachel POV
Damn it. I'm making a fool of myself.

Rachel: It's just that I haven't been this way in so long.
Danny: Because of your past?
Rachel: Because of my past.

Danny wraps his arms around me and hugs me.

Danny: It's okay.

Tears began to flow down my face.

Rachel: I just feel like a horrible person.
Danny: No you aren't. You are amazing.
Rachel: You don't know me.
Danny: I want to know you. Just give me a chance.

I take several deep breaths because I know what I'm about to do.

Rachel: Danny, I think I want to tell you about my past.
Danny: Are you sure?
Rachel: Yes. I just need some wine.
Danny: Okay.

So I go to my kitchen and get a glass and a bottle of wine. I pour myself and glass and take a bit of a big sip.

Rachel: Okay. Here I go.
Danny: Take your time. I'm not going anywhere.

I take another deep breath and a little slip of wine.

Rachel: It all stared my junior year of college. I was just a simple regular student. And I met a guy in my communication class. His name was Eric. He and I started off as close friends and he asked me out and everything. We became boyfriend and girlfriend after dating for just 2 months. We were together for about 2 1/2 years. He was my first for everything. Date, kiss, boy I ever loved, and the first guy I slept with. And things began to change when we graduated. I got offered a job to work as yearbook supervisor at University of California. And I took the job and I would work from 7:30 am till 4:00 pm. Sometimes I worked over time because of school events. And Eric would ask me why I never spent time with him and I would tell him I have to work. He thought that I was cheating on him. But I wasn't.

Tears began to flow down my face. I took another big sip of wine.
This is the tough part.

Rachel: Then, within six months of me working he broke up with me. And turns out he was cheating on me and the girl he cheated on me with lied to him having him think that I cheated on him. I was depressed for so long. It took almost a year to get out of it. I had to distract myself. So I went to grad school while working at the same time. And I didn't care. I just needed some distraction. And it helped. I had my brother, Harper, Mama Mel, and Papa C with me the whole time. And I've stuck with them. And they find ways to spend time with me. That's why I've given up on love because my job was always in the way. That's why I feel like I'm a bad person.

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