t w e n t y-t h r e e - those are some interesting choices

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we could have all night
if you just say the word,
tell me it's a l r i g h t . . .


It was 3:53 when we slowed up on the street we were driving on. Josh slowly turned into the driveway and pulled all the way up as we passed the spacious, snow-covered lawn. Trees surrounded us, and it seemed like we didn't have any neighbors for a few acres or so.

There were a few inches of snow piled up on the roof of the adorable wooden cabin, and it started flurrying just as we entered the town. I almost didn't want to get out of the car because it got so warm and I was too comfortable to move.

"This is... really cute," I finally spoke up as I stared at the house through the windshield.

A part of me was expecting to see a huge mansion or something, but I'm a little relieved that when Josh said he has a cabin, he meant it.

"Yeah," Josh sighed happily. "This is one of my favorite places in the whole world."

I glanced over at him, smiling at the look he had on his face. Nostalgic and oh so handsome.

He turned to me and raised his eyebrows, and I quickly wiped the creepy smile off my face. "Well, let's get our stuff and go inside, I guess," he suggested.

"Sure," I nodded. He opened his door and got out, and I let out a shaky breath before I did the same.

We managed to grab all of our things, then he locked the car and we trekked through the path that led to the front porch on the opposite side of the house. But of course, the ground was covered in snow on the walk there. My shoes got completely coated in it, freezing up my already cold feet.

"You did not tell me that venturing through snow would be a part of this weekend," I grumbled behind him as we approached the porch.

"Sorry," he sent me a sheepish smile. "Someone must have been here though, because the steps are cleaned off. Sometimes my parents send people here to keep an eye on the place." I swore under my breath, picking up my feet and trying to shake the icy powder off my Doc Marten's. "Cheer up, it's only snow!" Josh tried to justify. I rolled my eyes, but I couldn't help the smirk on my face.

I walked up the steps, onto the porch with him and waited while he found his key to unlock the door. My eyes wandered around us, my teeth nonstop chattering from the cold, and I observed the outside of the house.

One large window was on each side of the door, and in front of the windows sat two large rocking chairs. To my left, I saw a ledge that had a huge circle in the middle of it, and my jaw fell open when I realized what it was.

"You have a hot tub here?" I gasped. He just turned and grinned at me from the side.

"I forgot to tell you to bring your bathing suit," he said with disappointment. I huffed, sticking my lip out in a pout. "But that's okay. We don't need them."

I started sputtering with embarrassed laughter as he popped open the front door. I heard him laughing to himself, while I shook my head and followed him inside.

As I walked in the door, to the left of me was a cozy living room. The huge stone fireplace is the center of attention, with a flat screen TV in the corner, two couches on opposite sides of the room, and a coffee table in the middle.

"Here, give me your bags," Josh turned to me with his open hand.

"I can carry them, you have your bags too. I don't want you to break your back," I chuckled.

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