Chapter 1 : Disownment

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Marss Kaiser sighed as he glanced at his watch. She was late, horribly late. He nervously glanced around the empty room. Thankfully, he was as well.

The Princess of Vale, Yang Xiao Long, was more than likely in her room still asleep. Marss quickly tapped his ear piece, calling Tai Yang Xiao Long, Yang's father and the King of Vale.

"Hello Sir. I regret to inform you that-" He began.

"She's asleep still, isn't she?" Tai replied, cutting him off. Marss nodded his head, as if the King himself was standing in front of him. Marss also caught the tone of annoyance in his voice as he spoke the words.

"Yes, sir. Thankfully, her potential mate is also not here." Marss said.

"Raphael has not arrived as well? I will take it up with his father. Thank you for informing me. Please, wake my daughter and have her come to the throne room, fully dressed." the king said, putting emphasis on the "fully dressed".

"Wouldn't want a repeat of last week, now would we?" Marss joked. Tai chuckled on the other end.

"No, that would most definitely not go well with the media."

"Alright. Have a good day, sir."


Marss shook his head to himself. He couldn't believe that he had to wake Yang up once more. Scratch that, he literally knew this was going to happen. He, however, had fake faith that the Princess would wake herself. He raised his right hand, knocking on the door twice with his knuckles.

"Miss Yang, your father requests your presence." Marss called. When no response came, Marss' worry suddenly rose. He was going to use his own key to unlock the door when he suddenly heard Yang's rather loud yawn.

"Marss?" Yang's voice called through the door. Marss used his own key to unlock the door knob, but paused.

"Miss Yang, are you clothed yet?" Marss asked, remembering that she slept naked most of the time.

"I am now." Yang's voice replied. Marss twisted the door knob and pushed, walking into her room. He was surprised, however, when his eyes laid upon Yang's extremely nude figure standing near her window. A massive red blush quickly covered his face. For a moment, he paused. His male instincts forced him to remember every curve of her body, enhanced by the golden tint of the sun shining through her window. Thankfully, her left side was facing him as opposed to either her back or front. It was as if the sun itself was admiring her beauty, the way the soft sunlight gently cascaded through the room and wrapped itself around her. He gulped.

"Do we really have to marry you off, Miss Yang?" He thought to himself. He swiftly closed the door behind him, forcing his body to not turn around.

"Miss, I thought you said you were clothed." Marss complained. Although he didn't notice, his grip on the door knob was getting tighter by the minute. Sweat was soon produced form the sheer effort he had put into the small action. Yang chuckled at his annoyance. She walked towards her drawer and walk-in closet, reaching for articles of clothing.

"Don't believe everything you hear." Yang said playfully.

"Miss Yang, I do regret to inform you that you have missed yet another meeting with a potential suitor. Your father did not sound happy." Marss said. He finally gave in and glanced behind him. To his luck, and rather his disappointment, Yang Xiao Long was fully dressed in a pure white dress that stopped just above her knees. He let go of the doorknob, turning around to address her. She had sat down at her mirror and was combing her hair, all of the beautiful blonde locks streaming down her right shoulder.

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