Chapter 9 : The Dark Cloud

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"Look Miss Yang... there's no easy way to say this but I have no idea when he'll wake up." The doctor said to Yang. She stood on the other side of the glass window where Marss slept soundly. 

"Whatever happened down there... I've never seen anything like it before. When he was brought here, over half of the upper right portion of his chest was blackened. The black scar moved all the way up to his right ear and down to his right ankle. I mean, effectively he shouldn't have survived. It's a miracle he's even breathing." The doctor continued. He then turned his head towards Marss. 

"But he's... unscathed. Like he's healing on his own. I understand Huntsmen and huntresses heal faster but... this is abnormal." 

"I..." Yang began. "I don't want to hear this." She said as she stepped to enter the room. She closed the door behind her before swiftly sitting down near in the white hospital chair that was near the foot his Marss' hospital bed. Her face was pointed towards the ground, her hands planted on the side of her face creating a small blockade from the sides of her vision. She was doing this to hide her eyes which were beginning to tear up. 

She couldn't handle it. Blake was thrown into the ICU. She'd need surgery in order to help her leg. 

But Marss... she suddenly gathered the courage to glance up at him. The tears still brimmed in her eyes, but his soft expression gave her the strength to keep them contained. 

She was horrible at containing her emotions. Supreme General Leonard Orias suddenly walked into the room, also closing the door behind him. His eyes swayed towards the unconscious Marss before returning to Yang. 

"He used your semblance, didn't he?" Orias asked. Yang looked down at the ground once more, nodding her head. She gulped down her tears. 

"I see." Orias replied, nodding his head. He then walked towards Marss, his hand extending to move a piece of the blanket over his arm better. 

That was when it happened. Suddenly, a black cloud of energy erupted from Marss, launching Orias back into the glass Yang had been looking through earlier. Yang herself was thrown into the wall behind her, both the glass and the concrete wall cracking. 

Orias slowly picked himself off the floor, gently shaking his head. He then looked back up towards Marss, however he couldn't see him. The black energy that had caused a shockwave through the room collected itself around Marss' hospital bed, creating a dome of energy. 

This was likely caused by Orias making contact with Marss. Given that he and Marss were aura shared, a feat which was still not explainable as he was already aura shared with Yang, the only likely cause was Orias' touch. Though this was highly unlikely, Marss had never been this damaged before. 

The black dome of energy was likely a dome of protection created from the mixture of Marss semblance and Orias'. Taking into factor that Marss' semblance allowed him to project armor, it wasn't an unlikeliness that a fusion of the two semblances would result in the dome. Orias' shadow semblance in combination with Marss' armor semblance had produced enough force to not only catch Orias by surprise but also launch him into bulletproof glass, cracking the reinforced material. 

Orias then quickly shadowed towards Yang, his body transforming into arrow-like shadows. The arrow-like figures then collided with each other, reproducing Orias' body. He quickly helped Yang to her feet. The blonde looked up at the dark cloud. 

"What is that?" Yang asked. 

"Something not to be trifled with." Orias said before rushing her to the door. 

"What... what hell is that thing!?" The doctor  Yang had spoken to earlier, a man named Dr. Wilson Slade, commented with shock. His glasses were cracked, a sign that the shockwave didn't stop at the window and continued pushing outward. 

"See if she needs medical attention. I want every room within thirty square feet of this room cleared. Now." Orias demanded, handing Yang over. 

"What!? No, you can't just hand me off!" Yang protested before Orias suddenly gave her an intense glare. He had never done that before. 

"I said now." He repeated once more. He knew full well what that cloud was and how dangerous it could be. 

It was the cloud that had killed his brother when they were young. 


Marss was suddenly free from the fog, or at least as free as he could be. The fog was still present, however he couldn't reach into it or see beyond it. The fog however opened up in front of him, creating a pathway for him to follow. He reluctantly did. 

Where was the fog taking him? 


Orias held two rapiers in his hands, an intense expression covering his face. His entire body tensed up, his muscles refusing to relax. This had only ever happened two times before this. 

The first was when he had fought his first Grimm. It was a colossal Nevermore, one that had killed his entire team but him. 

The second was when he found out that  there were people just as strong as him in the world. Only one man had ever fought Orias on equal grounds and he gave off the same feeling the dome before him did. 

That man's name was Horus Satrian, the first general of the Red Lightning clan's army. 

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