Chapter 15 : Mercy

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An explosion sounded within the Blue Charity Orphanage. The floor of the main hallway collapsed as a result, two bodies flying from the hole one after the other. A third person jumped through the hole, landing on his feet as the other two rose from the ground.

Marss glared at Saturn and the other guard, a man named Loren Locker. Saturn stood to the left of Marss with Locker standing on the right. Around them, several children were harmed by the blast. Four were killed, their bodies lying near the cracked ground. Several civilians scrambled nearby, attempting to horde the children out of the building and assisting others.

A very unorthodox situation considering Marss' previous state of mind. Before his kidnapping, Marss never would have allowed any bystander to be harmed in his presence. Something was terribly wrong.

Saturn flexed his right arm, a chain-like whip extending from the small pole he held. The chain then electrified, small zaps of electricity flying off of the device. Locker quickly equipped spiked gauntlets on his arms, each knuckle containing a spike.

Locker blinked, his eyelids temporarily cancelling his vision. When he opened his eyes a fraction of a second later, Marss was in the air directly in front of him, their noses about to touch. Marss then connected a powerful left punch to Locker's face before following up with a right knee to the murderer's stomach. The sudden string of strikes caused Locker to bend over Marss' knee in pain, his mouth wide open as he did so. Saliva dripped from his tongue as Marss raised his elbow in the air above Locker's head, intending on smashing the back of his neck. A sudden movement of wind to his right quickly pulled his attention away from his actions. He quickly activated Orias' shadow semblance, Saturn's electric whip phasing harmlessly through him. Saturn had lashed out with the whip, intending on saving Locker. Marss made eye contact with the male standing to his left, several feet away. He coiled his body, preparing yet another whiplash. Still maintaining eye contact, Marss quickly brought his elbow down on the back of Locker's head, knocking the male down to the ground. Saturn quickly brought his arm down, firing the whip from an angle above Marss. Just like before, the whip passed through him harmlessly and crashed into the ground.

"That didn't work earlier. Why do you think it'd work now?" Marss stated. As soon as Marss had started speaking, the hairs on the back of Saturn's muscular neck stood up. Something was off with Marss. In the three months he had been assigned to guard him, never before had he emitted such... he lacked the proper word to describe the vibe Marss' posture gave off. The closest thing Saturn could use to describe feeling was.... Killer Intent.

Marss suddenly disappeared from view, catching Saturn off guard. He glanced around him, quickly attempting to locate him. Marss appeared directly in front of him, his left arm shooting out to grab Saturn's own right arm. The move shocked Saturn who attempted to break free. The whip was in his right hand, meaning that the action had prevented Saturn from using the whip. Marss then quickly reached upward with his right hand, grabbing Saturn's neck and applying pressure. He was choking him, attempting to end his life right there. Saturn's widened eyes glanced behind Marss before a smile crossed his struggling face.

Marss curiously turned his head around, still applying the choke hold. His own grey eyes widened at the sight behind him. Several children, the oldest looked to be around fifteen and the youngest being around four, huddled together in an untouched corner of the room. The hole Marss had created when he broke out of his cell trapped them in the corner, preventing them from leaving. Their terrified eyes looked on as Marss choked the life out of the man that had held him prisoner for months.

Marss' choke hold lightened slightly. He was faltering in his decision to end Saturn's life in front of the children's eyes. He contemplated throwing him out of the building, but that would leave Locker a chance to escape without Marss noticing. There always was a possibility of Marss grabbing Locker as well and swiftly throwing them out of the building and ending them outside but...

Without meaning to, Marss' hold on Saturn's right arm drastically lightened. Saturn, despite still being held by the neck, used the opportunity to crack his whip into the air, then pulling the whip down. He was aiming for the children, something he knew Marss would attempt to stop. Without fault, Saturn knew Marss would instantly let go of his neck and jump in front of the children, taking the electric whip for them.

However, that was not what happened. Marss instead, within a fraction of a second, released Saturn's neck and using his now freed right hand reached upward and pinned Saturn's arm against the wall behind him. In the same move, he pushed Saturn back with his right shoulder, crushing him against the wall. The whiplash landed right in front of the children, narrowly missing them and sparing them. Marss quickly kneed Saturn in the gut with his right knee, temporarily paralyzing Saturn through the sheer pain his knee caused.

Locker groaned as he stood up, his hand placed on the back of his head. He turned his gaze towards Marss pinning Saturn before snarling angrily to himself. Locker quickly charged forward, his spike gauntlet charging at his side. He swung at Marss, though he angled his arm so that if Marss dodged or phased through the blow would miss Saturn. Marss disappeared from view, reappearing in front of the children. His back was turned towards the two Red Lightning Clan members, a soft smile on his face as he glanced at the children.

"Run." He said to them before quickly before performing a backflip into the air. He crossed the hole in the ground with his maneuver, landing directly in front of Saturn. Using his right leg as the support for his frame, Marss quickly twisted his entire body and landed a devastating left kick to Saturn's gut, pushing him further into the wall. He then, still on one leg, leaned his body to his left and dodged Locker's spiked punch. He shot his hands outward and grabbed on to Locker's exposed right arm, then pulled him forward. He placed his left leg back on the ground, using the additional support to lean forward and flip Locker over his shoulder, slamming him into the ground in front of him and cracking the floor even more with the impact. He then raised his right leg and kicked out while still holding Locker's right arm.

The sound of Locker's arm breaking and the sight of his arm twisting caused one of the children to puke. Marss then followed up with yet another kick to Locker's face before phasing through Saturn's electric whip that had been whipped at him. As a result, Locker's arm phased through Marss' hands. Marss then quickly turned to face Saturn before leaping forward, smashing his knee into Saturn's stomach. The powerful strike launched Saturn into the wall once more, cracking the reinforced concrete. Marss then pulled back, slowly dislodging his knee. Saturn fell to his knees, gripping his stomach.

There was no mercy within Marss' strikes. There was no pity, there wasn't a shred of kindness within his eyes.

He was planning on killing them, ruthlessly.

And nothing could stop him.

Just then, at that exact moment, a shadowy figure landed outside of the now wrecked orphanage.

Orias scoffed as he stated at the scene within the orphanage.

Things had changed.

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