Chapter 7 : Last Ditch Effort

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Marss quickly landed a devastating uppercut to the Beringel's chin before following up with a left straight aimed for the beast's open neck. The punch landed, causing the ape to cough in pain. Marss the quickly  took a step back in order to build up momentum. He lunged forward, his fist landing straight onto the forehead of the ape. The force of the impact sent the beast sprawling backwards. Marss stood frozen in the form, breathing heavily. 

His arm was right arm, the arm he had used to strike the beringel, was in incredible pain. His punches from before were barely making it through the beast's tough hide so he began to reinforce each punch with a small sample of power he had absorbed from the beast's strikes due to Yang's semblance. 

Each application of Yang's semblance sent waves of pain down his arm as he continuously ramped up the amount of power he put into each punch.  Marss' body was trained heavily, however nothing he had done would have prepared him for the continued use of Yang's semblance. She had spent years mastering her own semblance whereas he had only spent a few months. The ape climbed back to its feet before roaring at Marss. 

He was almost there. The power he had been building up from the beast's strikes as almost enough to kill the beast. Just a little more...

The thought of losing an arm to not only the impact but Yang's semblance crossed his mind. He quickly shook the thought away. It was better to lose and arm than to lose Yang. 

The ape rushed towards him, its right punch pulled backwards. It had only started performing human-like movements when Marss decided to take the ape head-on, which alluded to the idea that the ape was not only growing stronger with each strike, but also smarter. It was absorbing the fighting style of its opponent and thinking of counter measures. 

Marss decided on blocking the strike, thereby absorbing more damage. He crossed his arms on his head, the blow being absorbed by his maneuver. Marss  was hoping that the power he just absorbed was enough. At this point, he wasn't sure anymore. He could try throwing the power  back at the ape, but if it wasn't enough the ape would likely capitalize on his weakened frame. 

But then if it was...

Marss took another punch, this time to the stomach in an uppercut fashion. The ape really was copying his fighting style. The beringel's upper sent him flying, his body crashing down several feet away. The ape then looked to its left, its eyes landing on a very sharp piece of debris. Marss wasn't moving, basically a frozen skeleton lying on the ground. A very easy target. 

A perfect weapon for leaping into the air and impaling a downed target. Yang suddenly appeared in front of the ape, her hair blazing once more. She threw a quick punch towards the beast's abdomen, however the ape quickly twisted its body and dodged the blow. It then grabbed onto Yang's arm, taking advantage of her momentary shock. The beringel then turned around and threw Yang towards another pillar. She crashed into the pillar, smoke erupting from her contact. Blake then appeared behind the beast, landing multiple slashes to its back before gracefully landing on her feet. She quickly dodged the ape's turn and smash before performing a triple backflip, her hand gripping onto the cloth she had attached to her sword. While she backflipped, her sword acted like a whip and thus landed three slashes onto the beast. However this proved ineffective as the beast was unscathed. 

Without warning, the ape then rushed forward, catching Blake off guard and kneeing the faunus. This sent her flying as well, crashing into a wall that lead to another hallway. The broken parts of the wall covered her unconscious body. 

It was at this time that the beringel reached for the sharp debris before leaping into the air just above Marss. 

"Your emotions are a strong factor in how you fight. Control your emotions or you risk putting others in danger." Orias' words from just the other day returned to Marss mind as he laid on the ground, unable to move. The ape leaped into the air, the massive sharp debris in its hands above its head. The piece of debris was sharp enough to impale him and wide enough to cut him in half. He was sure of that from his dazed look. 

"That ape must have hit me hard." Marss thought as the ape fell from its leap. It roared, sure of its kill. Yang climbed out of the pillar debris at that exact moment. 

Then, it was like time moved slower for her. Maybe it was the ape's strike or the pillar she had been thrown through, but it really looked as if time became slower for her. She watched as the ape with the sharp debris in hand slowly fell down, its arms poised to stab the defenseless Marss. She had to do something. Fire a shotgun blast, launch herself at it, anything. 

But would she make it in time? 

Time suddenly moved at a normal rate surprisingly. Yang watched, in horror, as the ape landed on the ground and stabbed Marss' upper chest. The ape didn't stop there. It jumped on top of the debris, launching it even further into the ground and giving the impression that Marss had been totally cut in half. 


Marss' mind was blank. All he knew was that the ape had landed on him with the debris, supposedly impaling him. That was what happened, right? He was dying, right? 

His blank eyes landed on Yang's shocked face. Tears were beginning to well in her beautiful lilac eyes, her face giving the impression that she was screaming something. He so badly wanted to reach out to her, to tell her that she was going to be alright, that everything was going to be alright. 

Instead, however, one thought raced into his mind. 

"Why ... Why can't I feel anything?" 


Marss' Semblances Active:

Marss: Turning Offline

Yang: Active

Orias: Active


The ape jumped off the debris, slowly walking towards Yang's screaming figure. Yang suddenly punched the ground in frustration. A golden fiery aura suddenly enveloped her, one even larger than the aura from before.

"You..." she seethed as she looked up, her red eyes suddenly locked onto the Ape. It was then that the ape froze. The ape's instincts were going wild, saying that something powerful was behind it. So powerful in fact that its mere presence near the ape made the ape shutter with fear. 

But it wasn't Yang that sparked the beast's instincts. Something behind the beast suddenly stood up, just slightly out of view from the blonde brawler. Yang saw what had stood up and for a moment everything paused. Her eyes widened in shock, her entire body frozen at the sudden revelation. She saw him walk towards the beast's back, and yet she herself couldn't believe it. 

The beringel quickly turned around to face the newcomer before it's eyes widened in shock as well. 

Marss stood in directly in front of the ape, unharmed. The ape swung at Marss, however his fist merely passed through him. Marss himself was unaffected by the tremendous attempt. Marss quickly landed a left punch to the beast's gut, causing the beast to cave over in response. None of Yang's previous punches had even been able to cause that after several powerups from the ape. Mass then quickly grabbed hold of the beast's head with both his hands then forcefully launched his knee upwards towards the beringel's face. The impact created from this shook the ground, several pieces of rock and debris jumping in place around them. 

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